Christians- What is the reason that Jews support biblical arguments by saying that Jesus Christ was a Jew?

Just because you are born a Jew does not mean you are a "Jew." A Jew, according to the Torah and the Talmud, is someone living on Earth by the expectations of God seeking to be with God and his waters of righteousness. Jesus Christ was not a "Jew" simply because he practiced it. It's like saying that if you study psalms and "say" you believe in the Mosaic convenant you are a Jew. Yet psalms warn about people who proclaim they know a faith, yet have no love in their hearts and will never be quenched and be consumed by the flame of the Lord. Jeremiah 22 talks about false prophets and concerns to this well.

Thank you.


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The Jews support biblical arguments by saying that Jesus Christ was a Jew because they believe that if he were to be the Saviour (their Messiah) he would embrace Israel when he returns to earth. The thing is modern day Israel is a place named by the Jewish Nation (a religious based nation) whereas the Israel of God referred to in the New Testament are saved believers of Jesus Christ.

Jesus was born a Jew, was brought up with the teachings of Judaism, but condemned the teachings of the Scribes and Pharisees because they had got things wrong over the many centuries. Christ questioned the added teachings and practises devised over a thousand or so years which were contrary to the original teachings of God as handed down by the prophets.


What? i can't stick on your reasoning. they're genuine, Jesus grow to be a good Jew. So if there is not any longer something left in Christianity of Judaism, then how Christian is it? The regulation grow to be no longer incorrect. Its training are no longer out of date. Sexual sin remains sin. homicide remains sin. The giver of the regulation can substitute observances, commandments, feasts, holy days, or perhaps punishments -- yet no longer even he can substitute the reality. We Christians could learn lots from the Jews if we gave them (and ourselves) a gamble.


Why would I care what the Bablyonian (pagan) Talmud has to say about who is a Jew and who is not a Jew? The truth regarding that can only be found in the pages of the written works inspired by YHWH alone.


Jesus was a Jew that followed Judiasm.... Paul distorted the religion "of" Jesus to create the religion "about" Jesus.... Which was a mixture of all sorts of Hellenistic religions. Jesus only cared about loving people and reaching out to the oppressed... He couldn't stand the dogmatic Jews of his time... He wanted to break down all the rituals and bring everyone's attention to seeing that love is the way to heaven.... It is ashame most Christians groups today follow in the footsteps of the domatic Jews.


John 4:22 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.

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