Does Summer School mean that you did not pass the grade?


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Summer school usually means that you have not yet passed the grade. However, in many cases the students only needs a class or two to be promoted and will be promoted after successfully completing summer school.


It does mean you have not passed the grade, but it could be that you just have to make up the credits of one class, although you have the option to skip summer school, and retake the class next year


Yes but there are other reasons like too many lates or absent which cause your grades to lower or in my case in Ontario I took applied courses and want to switch to academic if I want Uni courses for grade 11. I have it tough one month of my summer is gone.


Yes. You weren't promoted.. But you weren't detained. Not promoted means you didn't pass.

Denster Arnold2013-06-22T21:33:24Z

Yes yes It does