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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

Um I don't want to go to summer school. Must pass all finals w/ 75 or higher. Stressed, crazy, tired?

I'm 14 in 8th grade

I'm passing all classes right now, but they're bordering passing and failing. So its really close. I am taking Language Arts, Science, Math, and History finals on Monday.

I am so scared I don't know what's gonna happen. I am confused on how to do some Math problems

Language arts, I SUCK at grammar

History haha. lets leave it at that

Science I understand but still am nervous

Can you please help me coping with this? I mean if I fail ANY of these I'll go to summer school. I'm so nervous and I'm stressed. I'm scared.


These are the last grades going in the grade book

The last day of school is Friday

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Don't worry about it, study, and relax. think positive, think that you are going to do good no matter what. if you are nervous, you're mind will go blank and you wont do as good. just be relaxed and i'm sure you'll do great hun.

    Good luck, i hope you do well on all you're finals !! =]

  • First of all, remember that you always know more than you think you do.

    Math: Go over the questions you are confused about. Right them out, try and answer them. If you can't, consult the book or someone who can help. Do this until you understand the concept of every problem! Also remember to show all work on your tests because most teachers will deduct points if you don't.

    Language Arts: You are not the only one who doesn't understand grammar, not by a long shot. It's my strong suit but so many people are confused by it. Take it one section at a time, get to know the section, move on to the next section, then go back to see if you still remember. Write sentences using proper grammar because it will make it seem easier.

    History: I HATE history because it is so much memorization! I am guessing you are having the same problem, so what I do is read through the textbook and write out only the basic points of each subject. Using this as an outline, it's often easier to remember the details. Take it a section at a time - one chapter, 15 minute break, another chapter, continue.

    Science: It's good you understand! The best cure for nervousness is preparation, so if you have time go over everything just to make sure you understand.

    A few general study ideas...

    1. If you ever only have a few hours (or even minutes) to study, skip the words, look at the pictures.

    2. Note-taking gets tedious and frustrating, so if it's not necessary (unless in subjects like history) skip it and find another method.

    3. Use the rewards system. Small intervals is good (read a chapter, take a break, etc.) but I find it easier to look at the big picture - look foward to being done with everything.

    4. Take breaks, but SHORT ONES. If you take too long a break you'll loose momentum, so set a timer to make sure you don't go over 15 minutes or so.

    Best of luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    First you need to relax. Finals aren't weighted that heavily.. teachers just like to freak you out. As long as you don't literally fail, you'll be fine. Get a good nights sleep the night before, and eat a good breakfast.

    For your math problems, its too late to ask your teacher, so ask your parents. Usually, if you show them what it says in the math book, they will remember how to do it. Or, does your local library have an online tutoring service. Mine does, and it really helps.

    Grammar, ugh, I suck too. But usually there are many sections of an english final, and grammar is only a small part. The key is memorization. And try to do really well on all the other parts.

    History, tomorrow to go blockbuster and rent a movie that takes place in the time period your final is on. There's millions.. look some up online before. That will help you have a visual image in your head of what it was like. Books are typically better, but I don't know how fast you read, and there is limited time. I seriously learned everything I know about history from historical fiction books, and nothing from class.

    Science, well if you understand it, you'll be fine. Its normal to be a little nervous. Keep a positive image in your head. Its going to be way easier than you think, and when you get the test you're going to laugh because you seriously thought it was going to be hard.

    Talk to your parents about how nervous you are and how you really want to do well and ask them to support you.. even if you have your mom and dad behind you knowing you're going to do well, it can really boost you up.

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great:)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    i went to summer school last year it suck

    i went there for math and engliish it suck. what grades did u get and what grades are u getting now good luck tell me how it went

    my aim sn is BiGgEsTrEtArDeVe

    lol i should give u my adderall to help you.

    and hopefuly i dont with need to summer school this year. hope u do good cause 75 is a high grade

    u end school so sooon my last day is june 18

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this isnt really an answer so dont mind me im sorry.

    i might be able to help you with history though. email me about that.

    welcome to my boat. the SS Kelsey is failing. my schools grading system is from .5- - 4.0 its your gpa. okay i have never failed anything in my entire life i mean kelsey and fail never go in the same sentence. like wtf?!!?!? omg my teacher i hate him. well i have straight .5's in algebra and if i dont get a 2.5 this quarter and a 1.5 on the final im failing for the year and going to summer school. it makes me mad cause he gave us too many tests at one time [one every day of the week] and i failed all of them. i think i passed yesterdays. i would have passed thursdays if he let us use our calculator, we get in trouble for not using and then we cant use it. wtf? omg i hate him. his voice hurts my head and his teaching methods suck.

    sorry about that rant.

    but yeah email me about history.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dont think of them as finals, thats what i do.

    Hey thank you reminded me i hav a 100 question science text tuesday.

    Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, study harder then youve ever studyed.

    and sleep as much as possible

    and dont give up on the test ( sometimes after iv had like 13 questions i absolutly do not know i give up and just say **** it dont do that)

    and eat pepperments - hey my teachers always said it works why not get a candycane!

    Source(s): Lwann
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


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