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Do it for Johnny! (Maddie)

Favorite Answers17%
  • Sudden onset of MAJOR behavioral problems in a pit?

    Hello! I have a nine year old pit bull who, up until recently, has been an awesome dog. I got her from an animal shelter when she was eight after she was surrendered when her previous owner died. He used her has a breed *****, so it's estimated she's had about twelve litters of puppies and was, until I adopted her, exclusively an outside dog.

    She had been doing wonderfully. We've been working on basic commands and I've been doing everything possible to make her life better than it was before - from feeding her the highest quality, natural, grain free food I can find, to taking her to the dog park several times a week - but lately she's been acting out. Majorly.

    Her biggest thing is eating walls. But a couple nights ago, she actually chewed through the wall and cut through my main electrical circuit, leaving me completely without electricity. She's chewed through couch cushions and just today, when I left her outside, found her way back inside by breaking my air conditioning unit, and then proceeded to eat a 2' by 2' hole in the wall I literally just had repaired.

    The strange thing is, all of this only started happening about a month ago. Before that, she never even tried anything this drastic.

    Any idea what could be going on? Is it possible she's sick?


    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What's the best way to prepare for a marathon?

    Fine, a half marathon.

    It's my first, and I'm a tad nervous, mostly because I've never run before in my life and I have no idea how to start preparing. The marathon is in January so (I think?) I have plenty of time, but I need any tips you can give me!


    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Why aren't trigger warnings required before movies and television shows?

    I'm inspired to ask in light of the release of the film adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which depicts extreme sexual violence, some very likely to trigger disturbances in sexual assault survivors with or without diagnosed PTSD. I realize we have the MPAA rating system, but it is so vague in its reasoning and hardly gives a potential survivor enough to go on to decide whether or not to view the film. The same goes for TV shows.

    Has the issue of implementing trigger warnings before movies and TV shows just never come up, or has it been shot down as being unnecessary?


    2 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • Do potential employers prefer a resume sent via mail or e-mail?

    Hello! I'm sending in a resume for a job I REALLY REALLY want. I am wondering, do potential employers prefer a resume sent via regular mail or e-mail? Does one make me look more motivated/more professional? Am I overthinking this?


    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What was your, "Wow, I'm an adult!" moment?

    Hey all!

    Today, my best friend since kindergarten asked me to be her maid of honor. And godmother to her unborn child. She and I have known each other forever, and though both of us are only seventeen (And yes, she's far too young to be pregnant and engaged), it was definitely a moment for me when I sort of went, "wow, I'm almost!"

    When was that moment for you? Was it exciting or, like for me, a little terrifying?

    15 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • How do you politely, and without making a scene, let it be known you don't want to be touched?

    Hello, all!

    This semester I'm taking a voice class, and as part of the process of warming up and loosening up, we are supposed to get in a massage line (you know, the kind where the person behind you rubs your shoulders and you rub the shoulders of the person in front of you). For several reasons, I very much don't like to be touched, but I don't know how to address the issue without insulting someone or making a scene. The class is very small, only about fifteen singers, and very close knit, and while I'm generally comfortable setting my boundaries, I fear disrupting the flow of the class or drawing attention to myself.

    Any advice on how to approach this that is neither insulting nor disruptive?


    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What would you wear to an event like this?

    Hello all!

    In a few weeks I will be attending a party thrown by the non-profit I work for to celebrate a recent success. It's apparently very swanky and there are going to be several political figures as well as the "local elite". Frankly I'm more excited about the opportunity to go shopping, but I have no clue what's appropriate to wear. It will be in the evening at a local art gallery, and as far as I can tell the attire is somewhat fancy. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Teens: What is your opinion on these "new" controversial issues?

    There are several controversial issues that faced our parents generation, and some that still face ours (i.e. abortion, the death penalty, etc.) But I want to know your opinions on the following issues that will mostly be facing our generation!

    1. Is it okay to have multiple partners? How about in marriage - for or against open marriage?

    2. Do you believe in abstinence only sexual education?

    3. Should it be legal for people under the legal drinking age to be served alcohol by their parents?

    4. Should not completing high school be illegal, punishable by a fine?

    5. Is there a metal detector at your school? Should there be one in every school?

    6. Should money be taken out of a paycheck for Social Security benefits, even though we aren't guaranteed the same benefits when we reach old age?

    7. What is your idea on how to prevent bullying and cyber-bullying?

    8. What are your thoughts on healthcare?

    9. Do you believe the rules regarding juvenile punishment for serious crimes such as murder should be amended?

    10. What is the legal driving age where you live, and do you think it should be different?

    11. Should the age of consent be lowered or highered, or is it fine the way it is?

    12. Is it ever okay to incorporate religion into a school curriculum?

    13. Can you be too young to fall in love?

    14. Do you believe a boyfriend/girlfriend ever has the right to have the final say in a matter regarding you (i.e. the way you are dressed)?

    15. What do you think is the biggest problem facing our generation?

    30 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • I need to knock out a cold, and fast. Any suggestions?

    Hi there!

    I've had a terrible cold since about Thursday morning that doesn't seem to be dissipating at all. So far, I've been sleeping a ton, and resting when I'm not, drinking tea, taking hot showers, taking ibuprofen and Tylenol cold when necessary, and eating well (lots of fruits and vegetables, adequate protein, not much sugar, etc.) But I need to be in tip-top shape by Monday morning. Do you have any suggestions or home remedies?


    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Teens: Would you have more or less respect for a Sex Ed instructor your age?

    Hi, guys!

    I was recently offered the opportunity to begin the process of learning to teach Sexual Education to high school students. I accepted, but I have one major concern. While I'm a college student, I am still technically high school age. I won't be the only instructor, I'll be training under an awesome young lady who will do the bulk of the teaching, while I'll lead a few activities here and there.

    So I wonder; if you had a Sexual Education teacher that was your age, what would you think about it? Would you take her less seriously, or be more inclined to pay attention? Do you have any ideas on how I could gain respect, while still getting my point across?


    10 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Which American Idol Judge would enjoy the following survey most?

    ...Random? I'm just making this a Y!A legal question. Survey?

    1. Are you excited/nervous/all of the above to start school?

    2. If you could use one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

    3. What was the last article of clothing you bought?

    4. Do you wear mascara?

    5. Do you currently/have you ever done volunteer work? For whom?

    (6. Why is my keyboard not typing, like, every third letter? It's bugging me.)

    7. What is your current musical obsession?

    8. Do you believe in God/another religious figure?

    9. If you could chose one profession, anything from surgeon to CEO, what would it be?

    10. Who was the last person you spoke to?

    11. What's your favorite thing to do on an airplane?

    12. Are you currently/have you ever been on a diet? Are you happy with your weight?

    13. If you could only take three things from your house, what would they be?

    14. What is your mother's profession?

    15. Do you even watch American Idol?

    16. What's one hobby/interest/favorite genre no one would ever assume you do/like?

    17. What is the one thing you believe in most strongly?

    18. What comes to mind when I say (or...write) "siren"?

    19. Have you ever taken a survey with a more random, scatter-brained series of questions?

    Thanks! EDITs welcomed, and have a great night/day (if you're in Australia or something).

    - Be well :)

    5 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Um, why can everyone in my Yahoo e-mail address book suddenly see all my Y!A activity?

    One friend who's in my address book brought the problem to my attention. I thought I fixed it by changing my privacy settings. Then I got an e-mail from my MOTHER telling me she can see all my Q and As, right there on her Yahoo mail homepage!

    My Yahoo! Answers account is very private to me, I've offered a lot of very sensitive information on in online forum on purpose, thinking no one would ever be able to see it.

    How do I change this?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is it better that something happened and you know, or something happened and you don't know?

    In other words, is ignorance bliss?

    I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I'm debating whether or not to tell my grandparents about a traumatic events that occurred at the hands of my other grandfather when I was a small child. On the one hand, it happened, nothing's going to change that, so they might as well know. On the other, if they're ignorant to it, in their eyes, the trauma didn't occur.

    What do you think, wise ones?


    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Am I the only one who's just plain morally offended by the Twilight series?

    Hello, all!

    Firstly, before a huge debate arises, I'm impartial to the whole Twilight craze. I haven't read the books. However, I have seen the first movie, which I sort of enjoyed for the teen chick-flickness it has to offer. I never saw the second one, but did go with my mother (who is obsessed but refused to see the movie without a teenage girl present) to the newest film earlier today.

    Aside from it being nothing filmatically great, I was actually quite appalled by it! Being a bit of a feminist, most of my concern lies within the main male vampire character. The author of these books has not held back one bit in making him the most controlling male character I've seen outside a horror film, and that's just the beginning of my concern! The idea that the protagonist has to give up everything for a man? The thought that he gets to decide what she does and where she is under pretenses of "protection"? The concept that only he can "change" her? Am I the only one who finds the wide implications and downright obvious characters completely misogynistic? And then there's the wolf character who (spoiler alert) damn near rapes her, and everyone is just okay with this?

    I would be much less appalled if the series was appealing to adults or older teenagers. But the wide majority of fans are young teenage girls, highly imprintable and completely obsessed. I do actually fear what the author is telling these girls about relationships with men and what makes someone "attractive". The movie (I don't know about the books) completely romanticized the concepts of male control, and every girl in the theater was drooling over the idea.

    But I want to hear what you think. Am I overreacting? Is this series all in good fun? Or are these themes as noticeable as they are to me and just as insulting to anyone else?

    19 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • 2 year old sweats profusely while she sleeps?

    Hey guys!

    I'm nanny/part time mommy (very complicated situation) to a little girl. She'll be two in a month, and is a beautiful, normal functioning, healthy little girl. The only thing that worries me is that she sweats, in huge amounts, while she sleeps. She's done this forever. My initial reaction was that she was too hot, but even wearing only a diaper with no blankets covering her, she still sweats just as much, especially from her head.

    Is this something to be worried about? Have any of you even experienced this with your child?


    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What safety precautions can one take when living by herself for the first time?

    Next year I'm moving to Las Vegas by myself from a very small, usually safe town. Not unexpectedly, Las Vegas has a very high crime rate, and I'm in the process of discovering ways to make sure I am safe.

    I've made sure I'm looking for condos in the two Las Vegas suburbs deemed safest and most family friendly, and I'm not a party girl so that's not an issue. I'll be working in a clinical setting, whilst working on a Bachelors degree, and my biggest concern in that I'll be living alone as a young female. I've considered taking a few self defense courses before moving, and I've done research to try and familiarize myself with the town.

    What other precautions can I begin to take now/when I'm there that can help ensure safety? Can you offer any tips/stories/experiences on the subject?

    Thank you!

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Teens of divorced parents: Could you tell when they were about to separate?

    Hey guys!

    I have a question for you if your parents are separated/divorced/etc. Could you tell when they were about to go their separate ways? In the weeks, months, maybe even a year or two before, did you know something was different and that they weren't going to make it? Or did it come as a total shock to you?

    My parents have been married almost twenty-five years, and they've always been farely happy, except lately. I could be overreacting, but I have a fear that something's not right with them, so that's why I'm asking all of you for your input.


    13 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Teens: How do YOU deal with people who annoy you? (Maturely, I mean (-:)?

    Hey, teeners! (yes, that's a word now)

    It seems these past few weeks I've been exceptionally annoyed with...the world. Nearly everyone is DRIVING ME CRAZY! Do you ever have weeks like that?

    Anyway, I was wondering how each of you deals with people who annoy you in an effective way? Confrontation? Do you ignore them? Do you just tell them you need some "alone time"? And what if they're people you see everyday?

    Let me know!


    - Be well :)

    13 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Teens: A very complicated, very personal dilemma for you. Help?

    Hey, dudes!

    So I'm not much of a private person, if you can't already tell, but I trust most of the people in the Adolescent section to help me when I need it, so here it goes.

    In simple terms, I recently "rediscovered" some memories in the midst of recent intense therapy sessions, along with some cold, hard evidence, that suggests I was molested by my step grandfather early in my life (age five or six and below) on more than one occasion. It's been a really big, really eye-opening and even helpful discovery for me, but it brings some major challenges.

    My step grandfather is still alive and married to my biological grandmother. I love my grandmother, and don't blame her for any of the drama, and would hate to never see her again. I have, however, been rightfully advised to never see my step grandfather again. This makes sense, but I'm not sold. I've never liked the man, but I've faked it before in the past and might want to continue to put up with him to see my grandmother. She visits on occasion without him, but most of our visits, my family goes up to see her and her husband. Like I said, I love my grandmother and would be devastated to never see her again.

    So I'm a bit lost, and very confused. I want to hear your thoughts on the whole thing. Am I crazy if I put up with a man who knowingly abused me just to avoid conflict? Or is it best to put up with him to see the rest of my family and just make sure I keep my distance? You're call, help me out!

    Thanks, guys!

    12 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Teens - Have you ever felt something was right, or been drawn to something, with no explanation as to why?

    Hey, loves!

    I ask this because it's been bugging me. I graduate college in a year and a half with an RN, thus I am in the fortunate position of being able to move anywhere I want to. But, for some unknown, godforsaken reason, I'm drawn to - you ready? - Las Vegas. Las Vegas! Nevada! I've been, I don't like it, yet for some reason, it feels like it's the right place for me.

    Have you ever felt/been through something similar? Do you have a home/hobby/friend/etc. that you just can't figure out why you're drawn to?


    2 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago