When is it possible that I conceived?

I'm going tomorrow for an ultrasound to figure out how far along I am, but I'm curious now to know when I possibly conceived.

April 3rd to April 7th - Last period
April 26th - Suspected I had a yeast infection and doctor called in a prescription
May 1st - Due for period, but missed it
May 8th - Negative home pregnancy test
May 10th - Negative home pregnancy test
May 23rd - Negative home pregnancy test
June 5th - Due for period, but missed it
June 9th - Positive home pregnancy test
** By the end of April and beginning of May I was waking up in the mornings feeling nauseous (although I never threw up) and my breasts were sore for about a week and then went away. By the middle of May my breasts were becoming sore again and have stayed sore. By the end of May and beginning of June I was beginning to be hungry all the time and had to use the bathroom frequently.**

Is it more likely I conceived in April and just didn't have enough of the pregnancy hormone in my body to test positive in May or did I more than likely just skip my period in May (I was under a lot of stress finishing up my student teaching and graduating) and I conceived sometime in the month of May?


Favorite Answer

hCG -- the pregnancy hormone -- doubles every 48-72 hours in a normal, healthy pregnancy and had you conceived in April there would have been more than enough hCG to test positive by May. It is more likely you conceived at the end of May.
