Wouldn't the widespread cultivation of cannabis more or less ruin the whole sensemilla effect?

Wouldn't acres of fiber grade cannabis release pollen and ruin every stoners victory garden within a few miles down wind?


Feild grown fiber would not be gender restricted as males tend to be taller and make better fiber.
Farmer John won't care what sex the plant in his fiber crop are.
In fact, given a crop where seeds are the goal for biofuel or oil production, dumping massive amounts of pollen in the manner of crop dusting would increase the yeild of the farmer and decimate any nearby drug crops that are not in an elaborate filtered greenhouse scenario.


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Wouldn't the widespread cultivation of cannabis more or less ruin the whole sensemilla effect? NO, sensemilla isn't really seed less in the first place or it wouldn't be able to regenerate in the wild, if there were no males around.

Some pot has evolved to have fewer seeds like what we call "sensemilla", this pot will always have fewer seeds, where as other strains of pot will have more seeds no matter what. I doubt that males in amongst a crop of a "sensemilla" strain would make a hell of a lot of difference in potency or the number of seeds.

IMO pot strains that are inherently seedy are a cause or effect of the environment more than pollination, e.g. There might be a lot of bird or wild life where that seedy strain originally grew and if that strain didn't produce a lot of seeds, all the seeds it did produce could all be eaten.

Pot that you would categorized as "sensemilla" might have as few as 10 seeds in a plant of a pound with no males around, if there were males around that same plant of a pound, might have 100 seeds. That would mean 100 seeds in a pound wound be around 5 seeds an ounce, no one could complain about that could they?

Charlie F2013-06-24T02:56:33Z

It was and is cultivated for making rope for thousnads of years before anyone decided to out law it so the cotton farmers could take over, so I wouldn't worry.


Monsanto might have something to say about that tho.


not if they remove the males