How do I make my complexion less sallow without using makeup?

Hello, I'm fair skinned and I love food. The food part is random trivia. Until a few years ago, I used to be pale-pink fair. And over the past three or four years, that's turned into a yellow, sicklyish, Snapeish fair.
Where I live, it's either crazy hot, or crazy cold. So obviously, getting out in the sun happens Very Rarely. Also, I'm not the most athletic person. And I think that's the reason for this change in complexion, and it makes me look sleep-deprived or dehydrated even when I'm not.
It's not all that horrific and zombie, actually, but I still want to go back to a healthier complexion, but not by highlighting or bronzing or something like that. How can I do this?


Favorite Answer

tanning bed, but not too much... maybe once or twice a week


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