they say, that as we get older our libido goes, is it true or false ? in your personal experiences?

Personally on the contrary, but i guess everyone is different in that sense also their personal circumstances too.


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women in years when I was growing up, after menopause would let themselves go (get fat), and go play bingo while their husbands went out drinking or hunting. I know that because "bingo" used to be my babysitter when I was young. After menopause some women lose interest altogether and it's because of lack of estrogen. Some women supplement with the estrogen but it's said that after a certain age that supplementing causes cancer so some of us just do without both. Men on the other hand used to use pumps and now viagra so whether their testosterone goes or not they're bound and determined to keep it going even if they're searching out people in their 20's.

CO the Old Dog2013-06-27T22:12:20Z

probably at some point for everyone - some sooner and a few much much later. I have noticed a lot of TV ads for everything from addressing erectile disfunction and low T solutions. Does that answer your Q?

Actually not part of my experience lately.

I guess even this answer would be considered chatting/.


Yes, the physical urges lessened to the point where I feel "it really isn't worth all the trouble" - being single, that means I don't go out looking for relationships of any kind. Life is simpler. However, glad to say that the heart is still vulnerable to romance - and when I'm "into" someone, I still manage to rise to the occasion !

On the other hand, I know guys older than me who are still randy as all get-out. As has been said, perhaps my hormones will allow me to escape prostate cancer and other problems and allow me to live longer - - - - - or will it just seem longer?


I am Very Old and My Girlfriend says I am Not old especially when we Go to bed

as they say there Might be snow on the Roof but I can assure You there is a Fire in the Hearth

But sometimes what i used to do all Night now takes me all Night to do

Have Fun I do

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