I find that the weekends, can be relaxing but also boring and lonely as everyone that have the family around..?

I find that the weekends, can be relaxing but also boring and lonely as everyone that have the family,partners around the have commitments and busy , so for us with not partners or family around , its quite lonely, are you lonely as i am at the weekends ?


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No. I don't have a partner and have no family whatsoever. I sometimes feel alone, but not lonely. I've accepted the situation.


I am almost always alone at weekends but never feel lonely. On Saturdays I go shopping then come home to eat and use the computer whilst listening to the radio. I might receive a phone call from one of my children or I might call one myself but not necessarily. Tonight I will be doing a pile of ironing (something I do about once every 3 weeks when there is enough for it to be worth my while and I'll have the radio on or some C.Ds. playing. I am happy with my own company for a lot of the time.

Tomorrow I will be in church for about one and half hours and then home for the day. I sometimes go for a walk Sunday afternoons if the sun is shining.

Dorothy C2013-06-29T07:41:59Z

I have no family. I'm also retired. Therefore, there is no difference between my weekends and my week days.
Every morning, while I'm having coffee, I write up a schedule of what has to be done. I live in a house, and therefore I seem to have lots of chores. I also have a very demanding, affectionate cat.
I also have a lot of friends. I'm either talking with them on the phone, or meeting them for a meal or activity.
If your weekends are boring, you need to find someplace you can go regularly at those times. I go to water exercise. That not only gives me exercise, but it has given me a whole new group of friends.
I also belong to some clubs- not senior clubs, just clubs that are interesting to me- folk music, philosophy, a coffee break at a local art center, etc.
I also do volunteer work. Right now, I visit a woman in her 90's once a week. I used to do Meals on Wheels, until a bad hip made the driving difficult.
I believe that you need to do some research. Find out what's in your area that you'd enjoy, and can physically do.


No. I belong to a Writer's Group that meets at the Library on every other Saturday.I also work with a Social Justice group.

I sew as a hobby in addition to writing. So I usually have a couple of projects going and plenty of people so see.

Libraries are a good place to check out. some people go to church for the same reason. (The Episcopal church is a good one.) Clubs, hobbies, work at food pantries, classes, volunteering at animal shelters. Lots of things to do.


I love the weekdays and hate to see the weekends roll around for that very reason. I am widowed. It's just me and my dog. I have children around me but they are all busy with their activities of which I have little interest. So, the highlight of my weekend will probably be a trip to the dog park. TV is abysmal on weekends!

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