Do you agree with this Senator, that Obama's climate change policy is a "War on America"?

Senator Joe Manchin, West Virginia Democrat, Calls Obama's Climate Change Speech 'War On America'

On Tuesday evening Manchin told Fox host Bret Baier that the proposals were "irresponsible." The new White House initiatives, he said, will kill jobs and won't effectively clean up the environment.

"Why do you want to shoot yourself in both feet and then try to run the marathon tomorrow?" Manchin remarked during the interview.

The next day, he told a receptive pair of "Fox & Friends" hosts that the proposed policies are a "war on America."

"It’s just ridiculous. I should not have to be sitting here as a U.S. Senator, fighting my own president and fighting my own government," Manchin said. "That’s ridiculous. I want to work with them. I’ve reached out. I will continue to reach out, but I need a partner here. I don’t need an adversary. I need a partner and an advocate.”



Is DEMOCRAT Joe Manchin one of those "Robots"? lol.

You are hilarious


Favorite Answer


No I don't.


The only War On America happening right now - is the one being perpetrated by Foreign Owned FOX ---- and their legions of Robots.


R J2013-06-29T16:18:55Z

First Paula Deen and now this guy what is going on? I thought he would do something when he sent Hillary over to talk with china about pollution but the Chinese told her they wanted help as all the electrical plans they were building were run by coal but also ran all the industry that we and Europe had sent there. But Hillary left. Supposedly 40 of our plants put out less pollution than 1 of theirs. It would have been an excellent opportunity to send our companies over to install equipment that "cleans" the coal the way we do so it is acceptable but we didn't.. So we can spend billions and billions here and we are the leader and cut our carbon footprint very little or go to the source and cut it in half or more World wide.

LINDA R2013-06-29T16:29:27Z

The Country has not climbed out of Recession with 5 Years of Obama "leading the way to destruction".

Children are hungry in America. Homeless are dying in our streets 44% of College Students have low paying jobs if they can find one. Blacks have the highest rate of poverty and unemployment. since the great depression.

White males in the 30-45 age range are walking their dogs and filing unemployment. Gays are top issue and black females are irrelevant...unless they want to abort their babies out of desperation.

Obama EPA Extremists continue to destroy jobs, families and heighten poverty based on his ludicrous agenda.

No! Manchin has guts and cares. He knows that as a Democrat Obama is destroying the people who really need help to lift them up. Our Country and our People MUST come first.

Screw Climate Care BS and restore our Country and it's Citizens.

End Obamas War on America!


"That’s ridiculous. I want to work with them. I’ve reached out. I will continue to reach out, but I need a partner here. I don’t need an adversary. I need a partner and an advocate.”

He needs to lose his job, because quite clearly he does not understand how a republic works!

Coal is a dying industry...he sounds like a politician railing against the invention of the automobile because it might hurt the farriers in his State....which is just plain weird, because that would be a classic CONSERVATIVE position, and he's supposedly a Democrat...


West Virginia is in terrible shape because of people like Manchin. Coal is a dying commodity they need to start investing elsewhere.

West Virginia within just 3 hours of several major cities and metropolitan areas has potential but career politicians and low information voters in the Southern Part of the state keep it desolate and poverty ridden.

@ Thumbsdown doesn't change reality. Manchin and his daughter involved in degree scandals look up Heather Breasch WVU. He is a complete joke.

A lot of blacksmiths were out at the invention of the automobile. Time changes coal is going out at the hands of more efficient resources.

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