Has anyone else encountered a problem with The Last of Us after patch download?

I downloaded patch 1.02 on June 28(same day the patch first released). After I downloaded it, i've encountered some problems with the game.

These are:

-During multiplayer-

~When selecting "find match" on either Supply raid or survivor, with or without parties, the game won't start up. It does find players,when and if the voting screen shows up, I can't see the picture nor name of the voting options. When the place has been voted for,then the tips show up but without a picture above them(sometimes they do have it other times they dont)
*But the mayor problem with this is that the game stay on tips before the match for a really long time then it backs out to the multiplayer menu. It's not a lag problem because this hadn't happened before not even when my connection is awful. I've checked my connection several times,tried restarting and what not but everything seems fine, yet this keeps happening.

~Also, upon attempting to exit the multiplayer menu(exiting it to go to the game's main menu) the screen freezes, I can't even press the home button on the controller to quit game because even if i press it the screen stays there frozen.So i have to unplug the ps3 and do the whole file check up when i turn it on again.

-Single player-

~At first,the first loading screen(not the one with the "%" on,the one before the main menu) takes really really long and sometimes it will stay that way. Now, the problem has subside but when i load a game the second load screen freezes up on 15.21% and stays like that for a really long time so i end up having to quit game. Yes, i know the loading screen is slow but nearly 30mins long on 15.21%? it's not normal.

*I checked my ps3 for heating, it's fresh not too hot,barely hot at all, it's not making any unusual noises either. The game would play just fine on either single player or multiplayer,but after the patch it won't play accordingly. The game was bough new, it's not used and it has not dirt nor scratches and any other game i try o the ps3 plays accordingly.


Favorite Answer

With mine, when I installed 1.02, I have never gotten past the loading screen before the main menu. I've waited like ten minutes each time and I ended up having to delete the patch. When I did, the game loaded right up. Of course I can't sign in now because I don't have the latest update.


I haven't encountered them, but I know a lot of people have. The only problem I had was where my manual saves wouldn't work at all, so I basically had to play the game from checkpoint to checkpoint because my manual saves would always just put me back at the last autosave I stopped at.

But now that I think about it, I did encounter the one where it took forever to load, but I restarted my system and it worked perfectly after that. I haven't had that problem since.