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Anyone else experience a paranormal encounter?

a little over a year ago my parent died from Alzheimer's. I'd say about two weeks after he died we experienced a couple strange occurrences. Our TV set suddenly started changing channels. The remote was not in a place that it could have caused this. this event went on for days off and on and then it stopped.

Then, two of our radios turned on by themselves. I know this sounds crazy but this did indeed happen on several occasions that went on for a couple months then it stopped.

For the longest time we experienced nothing more than an occasional breeze blowing by us like a very cool sensation with no fans on or anything. Ive also personally felt very cold areas in the house, around dads chair especially to the point that I got chills.

That was it until last night. I woke up this morning to find that the power was out in my room. I had my dvd/vcr blinking, and my priinter has a light that was blinking (which is does when the power comes back on) I had to reset the channels on my cable box, which only happens when power is lost. The rest of the house was fine and nothing else was blinking.

Then, my mom told me that about 12:20ish in the morning she was watching tv, and was startled when she felt like someone had just yanked her hair very hard. . She said she thought my youngest daughter was awake. She sat straight up and turned around and nobody was there.

Around the same time my oldest daughter reported seeing a strange light flash past her.

I used to be the biggest skeptic until this past year of events. Has anyone else experienced this stuff or am I just nuts? lol.

Serious inquiries, please.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, I have had a few, not too many. If you have been in this section anytime you have seen my story in full about how a ghost appeared to me and told me to get out of his house and then later spoke my name several times and then telling me I was going to hell. Long story on both so this is just a summary. I ama paranormal investigator and have seen unexplained things that I hesitate as an investigator to say for sure it is paranormal. I have my EMF meter spike in wilderness areas. I have recorded cold spots in the hot summer when the ambient temperature was over 100 degrees but the cold spots were 50 degrees and moved. I live on a lot my sister owned and her son grew up here and I see him in the back yard every once in a while he shot himself in 1995 age 20.

  • Mr. P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yep - sounds like it's him.

    Electrical interference is a common method - ever since ghost stories told of all the lights going out.

    I can verify that they can make MCB's trip - as it happened to me within minutes of asking out for a response - never before or since.

    It also seems true that the effects move - for me it was the lights, then the TV, then the cooker, then the PC.

    In a previous house I had a stereo posessed - I kid you not.

    No remote - and closed curtains - it used to turn on at will, and play music when I came home, It didn't have a timer or anything fancy. It also responded to voice commands.

    it wouldn't play my GF's music - only mine - and even ejected a disc - which was clever because it was a manual load.

    As soon as it was unplugged - I started getting crackly phone messages instead - finally ending with a serious "get out" (rather corny - they all say that don't they)

    Anyway - I used to be a skeptic too - untill I saw my first apparition.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, since I'm born psychic, I have experienced too many "paranormal" events. I can move objects with my mind when I'm upset or stressed, but I'm also clairvoyant... I'm thinking for instance that my grand mother died when I was a little girl, however I saw her too many years later sitting down in a chair at my home. She didn't say anything with words, it was only thoughts or telepathy, but I knew she was announcing something "bad". Few days later my husband died. By the way it was ten years ago. I have experienced other events like this... I may write a book.

    Lucy B. ~ Psychic Advisor

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I am a cna (nursing assistant) in a nursing home, I have seen alot of "paranormal" activity. This is a common occurrence when people have Alzheimer's just because when they pass they feel like they have "unfinished Business" My best advice is for you to open a window (crazy I know) Tell your dad that it is ok for him to go and demand he leaves. Or if he doesn't bother you that much tell him he can stay he just is no longer aloud to harm anyone. Opening the window "helps his soul leave" if you want him gone.

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  • I have! a few months after my Dad passed I was sitting in his chair I brought home to my house adn i was sitting in it eating something and watching TV when all of a sudden I felt someone touch my arm. But no one was by me. I really believe that it was my dad!

    Another time I was touched on my neck while playing a game on the computer in my Mom's room(I jumped in my seat and ran out of the room).

    I have heard my mom's door shut and someone knocked on it! We thought it was my brother but he was in his room.

    I have also heard a kitchen cabinet door shut, no one in the kitchen but me and I didn't shut it.

    I have seen a dark grey oval shape on the wall and when I walked to the living room it went in my room!

    I have only seen 1 spirit in the house and it was a male spirit in a white gown. He didn't say anything but he just kept walking into the garage!

    I have also seen orbs on the walls of the living room! It wasn't dirt or dust but 2 were small and one was a bigger round orb!

    Source(s): seen all in my house!
  • We've seen things many people wouldn't even believe. We've got some evidence posted on our website!

    We've had things fly across the rooms by themselves, voices being heard when no one it there, and scream coming from no where.

    Premiere Paranormal Research, Inc

  • 1 decade ago

    Bonnie claimed that opening a window helps the soul leave. How is this possible? The soul does not consist of mass or physical energy. You may have had a legitimate paranormal/supernatural experience, although eyewitness testimony falls short of scientific evidence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your father just wants you to know he no longer is suffering from Alzheimer's.

    He is able to visit you now, he is now in perfect health, and just wants you to know... that is why your lights are going bonkers, if you don't believe me go and see a medium, she will tell you the same. Cheers.

  • 1 decade ago

    what he did was forgot he has passed, open a few windows and kindly remind him to carry on.

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