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Does an inch exist?
Time is a measurement. And, like all measurements, it only "exists" inasmuch as it describes a relationship between physical objects. Just like an inch measures how far two objects are apart in three dimensions, time measures how far apart they are in the 4th dimension.
What we perceive as, say, a 'minute' represents a certain temporal distance between the start of the minute and the end of the minute.
Well, the Yahoo listing says your question was posted two hours ago, so my guess is 'yes'.
Is something we can perceive real? I'm going to say 'yes' again.
There are those who insist that time is a human invention. Why? Whether or not humans exist, and disregarding whether other creatures here or elsewhere perceive its passage, planets still orbit suns, atoms still vibrate at set frequencies, events unfold regardless of our presence. Saying it only exists because we are here to observe it is close to a solipsism, which I find to be another absurd philosophy. It is the same as insisting that distance isn't real, that is, that the other three dimensions aren't real, and only exist because we are here to see them. Doesn't that seem a pretty absurd assertion?
Of course time exists. To insist otherwise is the height of anthropocentric arrogance.
Zulcan The Great.
Have you got a minute? Time is abstract. Time can only measured by nature, a mechanical or digital device, and biological cycles.
time is just a phenomenon created by humans to distinguish between, past present and future.
time was just created by us and not the universe,
so it is safe to say, time doesn't actually exist.
Bad Moon Rising
When you hit 60 you will get your answer (along with your grey hair and fat stomach and wrinkled skin).