How Did the Previous Pluto in Scorpio Generation Make Its Mark in History?

I've heard that it's around the late 1600s from another question ( ). How do they compare to us; similar and dissimilar? Or is it too soon to ask such a question, since we're too young to have anything flesh out on what will make us distinct. I guess I'm asking this is because I've fallen out with my peers around the age of 14 and a half, and now I'm 21 and a half. I don't know what to say about us, so if any of you Pluto in Scorpio ladies and gents have any observations about our generation do tell.

I just don't know how generational aspects affect us and other generations, like Uranus Conjunct Neptune or Saturn Square Pluto. It's just too big for me. I mean I read the standard descriptions on the net like cloning and stuff, but it doesn't click and then they go on with all the flowery schtuff.

I have a Mercury Conjunct Pluto in Scorpio at the 10th House within two-three degrees; I also do realize alot of peeps are going to have this aspect, except in different houses and it would be even more important for a Gemini or Virgo rising. This aspect is in a considerably tight sextile with my Venus in Virgo at the 8th House, and all three planets are harmoniously in contact with my Capricorn ascendant within three or so degrees. Then I have my Sun Conjunct Mars in Scorpio at the 9th House, Mars in cusp with the 10th House.

---Optional Reading---

I just notice a very little something about how generational aspects work with personal planets. My cousin has a Mercury in Aries in a tight square aspect with Uranus Conjunct Neptune in Capricorn, but I don't know the houses because he refuses to tell me his birth time or he doesn't know. After he graduated HS, he told me that he lost a good amount of his friends and now he only has two he really trusts. He thinks the U.S. government is just bullsh*ting the masses, and thinks his age group is mostly schtoopid and shallow. He really liked George Orwell's 1984, it really spoke to him. He even told me something preposterous that he wanted to be a die for some significant cause like a matyr or something, and I told him a quote from J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye spoken by the protagonist's favorite teacher about young men preferring to die for something than live for something. And finally, he's studying Chemistry in a community college and does well in school. Oh and an atheist, the non-asshole sort.

And me, I have a Jupiter in Virgo Eighth House Trine Uranus Conjunct Neptune in Capricorn 12th House. I think this aspect contributes to my easy-going attitude towards everyone's beliefs and insecurities. All three of those planets also happen to be in tight sextiles with my Sun Conjunct Mars, in particular the Jupiter Trine Uranus.


Favorite Answer

Pluto likes to delve deep down into things that are taboo and bring them to the surface; Scorpio is about sex, (aids surfaced. cloning etc); Uranus and Neptune together is about changing the status quo etc.
With generational aspects it's usually helpful to find out what was happening world-wide during the gestation period because maybe there's a sort of passing on of something from the parents to the unborn child; maybe some form of collective guilt or whatever.
Children that have been born over the last few years may have some really nasty traits inborn in them because of the Uranus/Pluto square that's been around for the last few years; especially when the Sun, Moon, Mars were in a hard aspect with these two "planets", forming T-square and grand cross formations. They'll have some really heavy challenges to face; those that overcome them should be really strong and determined types but those who can't or don't want to, may have a sort of Clockwork Orange approach to life and by the time they've really matured, Pluto will be in Aquarius! "This" is the time that's going to be really dodgy worldwide and it doesn't really bear thinking about.


Pluto In Scorpio Generation


Very interesting thoughts!
I'm from 1989, so I also have scorpio pluto, sextile the tight neptune/uranus/saturn in capricorn. Almost everyone from 1989 have this. So everyone from this year is highly influenced by capricorn in some bigger or smaller way. And saturn is home in capricorn!
Those born before 1989 had sagittarius instead, and those born afterwards slowly gets aquarius and finally pisces and aries instead of capricorn neptune and uranus. But still the scorpio pluto is there.

I think what tells about this "capricorn" generation with good aspects to pluto in scorpio, tells about some very highly ambitious young people who take their school seriously, and wants to climp the social stairs to power and being rich. They can seem a bit stiff and too serious about everything, but they work hard and is going to change whatever they specialize in.

But I think you have made a very interesting observation with your cousin. Cause those who got this rebellion-like uranus which squares pluto and maybe the other planets too, is exactly like this. They are political activists, humanitarians, and brings reforms that the world in many ways can't deny.
But they might be ahead of their "time" yet. It might be too early yet, that these young rebellious people can break through with their opinions. They speak about the future like aquarians, and it is comming.
Maybe with those people who get more aggressive squares with aries uranus, or maybe the emotional pisces, who makes us dwell with their melancholy and make us appreciate eachother again.
OK, this was maybe a long speech of b*ll sh*t. But I also got mercury square uranus, saturn, neptune and jupiter:P
Actually I also have a very "afflicted" uranus, so I love this kind of observations.


Well, I'm from 1992.
Sagittarius Sun/Leo Ascendent
Mercury/Pluto in scorpio - 4th house
Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn 6th house. From research that I've been doing, both Pluto and scorpio deal with the subject of death and regeneration; sex and desire and so forth. With many of us Pluto in Scorpio people now reaching ages where we are in positions of influence, we are slowly working to bring death to the status quo and corruption that rules these days and to usher in a new age of love and rebuild (regenerative aspect) a society based off of love. This is definately no easy task and there is a sort of divide that has emerged between the older generation and ours in which our views differ greatly and things that helped them survive in their youth simply don't coincide with present times ( a lot of people my age I know have so many disagreements with their parents because of this aspect).


we are all born into certain placements out of luck. pluto in scorpio doesnt make anybody "the best" in my p.o.v. i dont consider myself very lucky for being born into the time i was born im sorry to say; our world is just heading downhill. i agree that the 80's was perhaps the best decade of music (at least in my opinion), i dont know if i would say that about the 90's. i personally wish i could have lived through earlier decades!

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