FF 15 Dropped From PS3!?

Ok someone clarify this to me. Is ff 15 seriously no longer for ps3? Cuz if it isn't i'ma be furious. This game (that was announced in 2006 before the ps3 even came out!) was one of the main reason me and plenty others bought a ps3 and now.....they're gonna pull a dick move like this last minute -_- I understand with the newer gen, the game can have more potential but seems alot like a middle finger to the face. As of right now, i have no interest in the new gen console mainly because they have no titles appealing to me and for $500+! no thank you. Anyone else feel screwed over, or is that just me? Srry for making it more like a rant.


Favorite Answer

Sadly, FF15 will be for Next Gen Consoles only. Sorry.