What does hard cider taste like?

I've tried all kinds of different liquors and beers but I've never tried a hard cider because I think they're going to be too sweet for me. Am I missing out?


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Some are sweet, some are crisp and dry. Basically, it kind of tastes like a super-carbonated apple juice with an added kick - many of the hard ciders contain as much, or more, alcohol as most beers. Since you drink liquors, it probably won't be too sweet - a lot less sweet tasting, to me anyway, than something like Jack Daniel's honey, Jagermeister or Southern Comfort.

I'm not a big beer drinker, so if we go out to a pub, I'll usually get a cider, usually a Strongbow or a Blackthorn.


Apple Cider Vinegar Secrets - http://AppleCiderVinegar.siopu.com/?UBp