Why is this; and why is That Again?
A person will post a Question on this thread; and seem too 'walk away', then the voting is left up too Bias, favoritism, and some just choose the dumbest answers just too be funny.
If you are not going to bother by checking on, or resolving, a Question; then Why do you bother too post it in the First Place?
When the Answerers take the time and effort too help you; and you do not respond to your questions; It is like a “Slap in the Face”; as the Answerers get the feeling of being Ignored.
Can I have some thoughts on this?
It has been suggested that a Question, that is left to go too Vote, should Cost the Poster Points.
Tutti: Remember, the word is Perplexing.
Besides being "The Bird"
@ecsar': Ok; you have an 'almost' good excuse. If you know this; then there is the option too 'extend' your question to avoid this. Now you know how too avoid this in the future.
The intent may not be there; but the impression is still the same; as, the Askers would not Know this; as, I think you would understand.
@wisecracker: Actually I see a majority of the opposite. Just go through the answers and see the ratio of Asker to Voter resolves. How can a BA be hard to choose? It is as simple as a 'click'. Look at them all and choose the one that is closer to the Target; or, do we have a Phobia of Commitment?
This is the Philosophical Thread; and should be populated with "Thinkers". If you have difficulty choosing an answer; you can always fall back on the Basic Scientific Procedure of an Absolut Proven Methed of Flipping a Coin.
We can always make up a New Category of Study: “Indecisivenessology”.