Dog Pee killing lawn?

My bro is up from California with his dog... every time his dog pees in a day or two it leaves a dead spot in the grass ?? This has been going for a couple of years.. Should he be worried about his dog's kidney's. This does not happen when my dogs pees.


Moron.... I have had dog's all my life (I'm 61) and none of them had this problem...


The dog causing the problem is Male mine is female


Favorite Answer

No especially if its a female dog it will kill the grass. If its really that much of a problem maybe try giving her like a cranberry tablet.


It depends sometimes on the size of the dog. I have a ***** and yes my grass has a few bald spots. My friend has a large dog and the whole garden is nearly yellow. They say if you feed the dog with a few tomato's based products it should help,,,, baked beans etc.


haha this is usual dog pee is obviously not water so of course itll kill the grass. but just in case your worried since your dogs pee doesnt do that you should take him to the vet.