Interested to know what people thought of the summation of the prosecution....?
today in the Zimmerman/Marti trial.
My opinion, it was a travesty, a great joke on our judicial system. Once again , in my opinion, if race could have been left out of it, and the president and Holder could have shut the hell up... maybe just maybe it could have been seen for what it probably was.... a horrible accident and mistake. One fellow over zealous and anxious because of recent robberies in the area, the other young guy maybe a bit afraid, not knowing how this stranger would treat him... a gun.. and the rest is history, I do not think either guilty or innocent.. it is a sign of our times no one trusts anyone anymore.
I grieve for both families, one who has lost a son.. and one who will.. for surely if Zimmerman is sent to jail he will be killed.. and even if he doesn't, there are black crazies that have already claimed would deal with him. I do not blame or think this is all black people... just like it is not all white people.. it is very sad for America! I would appreciate your comments!