I'm looking for an Awesome online journal-diary thing. Suggestions?

Before you praise my eloquent question-asking skills, just don't. Praise them. It's early in the morning and I want to sleep but my head won't stop spouting gibberish.

Anyways, I'm too busy to have and maintain a blog regularly. Let's just say my mind is like a moody volcano that explodes with ideas/ epiphanies/ zen wisdom/ wish lists/ questions about a lot of stuff whenever it pleases. And I already have a journal-diary thing which I write by hand but I don't have it with me all the time. And I have a bajillion notes on my iPad which are completely unorganized and I'm an undiagnosed control freak.
And then I heard about online journal-diary things. Do you have any suggestions for online journal-diary things?


I meant suggestions for websites :/


Favorite Answer

Yes, you're asking skills are quite amazing indeed. Write about the current events that are going on in your city, state or simply your daily life. That's what a journal diary is usually intended for. Write about the significant or non significant that occurred throughout your day or newsworthy world news, like the Zimmerman trial or the crashing of a plane in front of the airport of San Francisco. Basically you can write about whatever YOU feel like noting down in your diary that you feel is worth making a note of.