What does this mean...............?
A very prominent internet climatologist, when asked what we would see if we could see ONLY at CO2 wavelengths wrote:
"Red would dominate but because objects absorb and reflect different wavelengths things that are white in the visible spectrum would appear green in the infrared. "
I'm having trouble understanding this. I apparently have spent too much time on differential equations, and not enough time on internet climatology.
"Hmm, that sentence is a bit difficult to parse. However, there is a nice discussion of this subject in Feynman's Lectures on Physics, probably lecture 35 or 36 in Volume I."
Whatever Feynman was saying could not have been much related to what Trevor said.
"Hmm, that sentence is a bit difficult to parse. However, there is a nice discussion of this subject in Feynman's Lectures on Physics, probably lecture 35 or 36 in Volume I."
Whatever Feynman said sure wasn't what Trevor said. It really is impossible to understand what he wasw saying--it made no sense.
"All I know is color defines heat intensity."
You apparently heard that different colored photons have different energies...and didn't understand it.
"Not all objects emit the infrared spectrum."
Actually,pretty much all objects, unless they are very small or very cold emit some infrared.
"But I can't find where this guy has intentionally mislead. Where every other Alarmist has"
You thinking the Non-Deniers have misled is like Josef Goebbels in his diary constantly complaining that the Americans and British were committing war crimes. (He really did complain in his diaries of that.) Here is a link for you:
Trevor: "Trevor
If you disagree with the comment I made (which you have taken out of context) then please contact Professors Babak Bohran and James Geiger at Michigan State Uni and the Smithsonian and tell them that the work they did last December is wrong."
If you wre giving exact quotes then Herr Professors of Authority are clowns--what you said made no sense. Furthermore, if you were giving exact quotes, you were plagiarizing.
": Paul, is everyone but you a clown?"
A pretty large fraction of the population is clowning, but close to 100 percent on this particular board is clownish.
" I do not think that you think that,"
You guessed wrong!
The Deniers are such obvious nutts. But most of the Non-Deniers here are pretty bad too. These guys actually deny the validity of differential equations in science. One of them wrote an equation in cinflict with the First Law of Thermodynamics, and when confronted told ne that what was important was that Trevor gives a lot of references. They think you should only bel;ieve peer reviewed stuff and that you should only listen to climate scientists...when their very posts here are not peer reviewed and few of them are climate scientists themselves (and one of them is a "climate scientist" who rejects real math) And they just make stuff up--when I tried to explain to them what the actual history of peer review is they did things like create