Which handgun from Springfield would you prefer to carry?
XDS-9 or EMP 9 and why?
Yes, Mr.357 Springfield just recently added a XDS in 9mm
XDS-9 or EMP 9 and why?
Yes, Mr.357 Springfield just recently added a XDS in 9mm
Favorite Answer
i owuld pick the XDs in 9mm, i have a XD in 9mm and it is pretty thick and really heavy, even the sub compact one is a little big for me to conceal easily. the XDs is tiny, i mean really small and are nice feeling, and comfort means alot to me while carrying concealed. the EMP 9 is also a little heavier, they are both great but the XDs is cheaper as well, and i would also HIGHLY recommend getting the XDs in stainless, my XD is babied and i really take care of it and usually never even put it on hard surfaces so i dont scratch it and it still is getting all scratched up, thats my only real complaint about the XD series pistols, my dad has 2 new XDm's and they are used ALOT and they are both stainless, they look like new.
greg w
I would rather shoot the EMP, but I gave up my last compact carry auto because it was a full metal frame and weighed nearly twice as much as the polymer pistol I replaced it with. Weight isn't always a concern to everybody, but the first time I had to run with that heavy gun in its holster, I realized how much bouncing around the added weight caused and I was concerned that it might not remain secure in its friction holster (plus the discomfort factor). The XDS is also a slimmer and "cleaner" frame, more ideal for concealed carry. I have already decided I will make that my carry piece when the .40 becomes available.
I did not know that they made the single stack version of the 9mm XD. I thought the XDS-45 was all.
the emp