Why do democrats think it's ok to sexually assualt wemon?

Mayor bob filner in San Diego has been caught sexually assaulting and harassing wemon and yet he is not facing any consequences and acts as if sexual assault is acceptable and all the other dems are standing behind him. You people are disgusting and really have no morals or respect for the law.


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I hate hypocrisy. I'm a Democrat, but I know that if he was Republican they'd be calling for his head.


Shame you don't know anything about the story. Not only the Democrats but the unions and other people who supported him in the last election have condemned him and asked him to resign. As of last night, there had been no lawsuits filed yet.

Remember how you defended Herman Cain? Hypocrite!


Because in your mind, you have determined to draw a conclusion (dems think it's ok to sexually assault women) f/ an isolated example and think that makes you smart enough to apply that to an entire political party. The answer is in the same twisted mind you used to manufacture the question ... that's spooky.


Add Weiner and Spitzer to the mix and you have a democratic convention eh? Answer: Morals=0

I was wrong once2013-07-18T19:01:03Z

Good grief you people are f@cking stupid. I can't even comment since you are obviously too retarded to understand reason.

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