Back up my complete Word 2013 profile if I copy the Normal template and custom dictionary?

In Word 2013, if I backup my Normal template (Normal.dotm) and custom dictionary (Custom.dic), will I have backed my complete Word 2013 profile?

I want all my program settings, macros, keyboard, Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon customizations, custom dictionary, and autocorrect entries, basically everything I use to back up much easier in my previous version of Word with the Save My Settings wizard.


Favorite Answer

Macros can be global or local. You will also have to back up templates that have local macros attached to them.

I would recommend that you instead backup your entire hard drive to another hard drive. If in the future you have a hard drive failure or malware attack that can not be eliminated, you can insert a new hard drive if necessary or restore the backup on your present hard drive and be back in operation in a few minutes.

Get a hard drive with an enclosure and use the free Easeus ToDo to back up your hard drive instead of backing up pieces.