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Will you take the challenge and write a poem using these words?

I hope you write a poem

and the result is your style

a haiku, sonnet or anthem

and have fun; hope it's worthwhile.

Although they may show up as misspelled, I assure they are in the dictionary and spelled correctly.

Use as many words as you can; I hope this is fun. LC's always are and this is my first challenge. You can always make up your own meaning, if you choose.
















I have to close this early due to my personal situation. I may be away from YAP for several days. I think you deserve to have the challenger pick the best answer. All of the poems were really good, and I am glad you took up my challenge.


14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A Knight's Tale

    Our hero once hirsute, now glabrous with advancing age,

    keeps his calvous crown covered all night and day.

    The fusty old gangrel shuffles down a dusty road,

    humming the words of an ancient canticle to himself.

    With anamnesis fading, too, interpolation of neologisms

    becomes his wont increasingly from time to time.

    If only you had seen him in the glory of his youth,

    you'd deem his present visage an ectype of his former self—

    resulting from novations with accumulating years,

    without solatium or adytum to offer comfort from the past.

    At last, among adventive boscages, he finds a place to rest

    in hopes to ease his weary bones and most procellous mind.


    adventive - not native to a new habitat; locally or temporarily naturalized

    adytum - the sanctum in an ancient temple; place one goes for peace

    anamnesis - recalling to memory; ability to hold in the mind

    boscage - a mass of trees or shrubs; thicket

    calvous - bald

    canticle - hymn; chant; song

    ectype - a reproduction; copy; duplicate

    fusty - moldy

    gangrel - a vagabond; drifter

    interpolation - insertion; inclusion; injection

    novation - the substitution of a new obligation for an old one

    procellous - stormy

    solatium - compensation for damage to the feelings as distinct from financial loss or physical suffering; additional benefit; bonus

  • 9 years ago


    Adventive, thirty, forty years or so

    Oh adytum, must I begin again

    anamnesis, will urgent passions grow

    each day born to new lives as little men

    boscage, the rage for this necessitude

    though calvous, welcomed, loved, chosen, adored

    the canticle of muted gratitude,

    with ectype raised, credence to lead the horde.

    the musty fusty, sensations of love,

    gangrel, the twilight flyers we know of

    although remembered well, old words anew

    novation will burn hopes, those worn out views

    of love, the sober years, procellous pose

    the scent is a solatium’s hint of rose.

    Source(s): adventive - of accidental or casual occurrence adytum - inner sanctuary of a greek temple fusty - musty Gangrel - clan of vampires novation - replacing an obligation in law procellous - stormy as the sea solatium - compensation or consolation anamnesis - recollection of past life boscage - lush foliage calvous - bald
  • 9 years ago

    Anamnesis (title)

    In anamnesis I find a new horizon,

    The adytum of my soul.

    Fusty- a way from hence I grow away.

    My faith is like the calvous head,

    But each day,

    Hair by hair,

    Moment by moment,

    I introduce my gangrel self to an adventive world.

    No solatium is needed because I’ve concealed myself in a boscage of my own,

    So now I must sprout and bask in the sun of novation.

    No ectype of my heart will ever show old scars,

    For I am growing and interpolating my own.

    I’m procelous and revived,

    For love’s canticle has awakened my soul.

    A new rain falls,

    A new taste comes,

    In anamnesis I’ve found a new horizon.

    As for a haiku...........

    Nature's novation,

    Defiant and procelous

    Adytum of life.

    Source(s): Some of the words i didn't use the first definition that came up. Just the ones that suited the poem best.
  • adventive and adytum

    boscage and calvous

    i dont know how they describe us

    canticle and ectype

    fusty and gangrel

    to me they seem unreal

    interpolation,procellous,solatium and novation

    i have no idea what those words mean; and i think anamnesis has something to do with either medecine or religion

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  • 9 years ago

    We meet under a adventive red sky

    you fusty crushingleel ''this is it '

    interpolation sinking rasing our breath

    against the crunching snow ,

    novation you tell me , i take it with me

    in my mouth a rawness in my throat

    boscage this is the spot

    that was hard I tryed to make it solatium and soft :)

  • Interpolation? You shall have interpolation...

    when you answer for the burning of the Westfold,

    and the children that lie dead there.

    You shall have interpolation...

    when the lives of the soldiers,

    whose bodies were hewn

    even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornberg,

    are avenged!

    When a sword is interpolated in your throat,

    we shall have interpolation.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Hello Tori, what a delightful idea. I am not a poet, but my daughter Dallas would love this if it remains up through tomorrow. I know she has answered the challenge for LC and she cares deeply for you. I'll keep this in mail to check in at times to read. I hope you are well and will be all your days.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Adventive is a word I would use,

    To describe,

    To describe a man,

    Who was a scribe for ,

    A local blind man,

    You see,

    The Blind was quite a bore,

    His letters always dull,

    So to make his work more fun,

    He spiced up every one,

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm not a poet, but I did enjoy reading the poems of those who took up your challenge.

    My thanks to Blue Feather for the delightful tale and definitions. I really enjoyed your poetry.


    Source(s): . angelgirl
  • 9 years ago


    calvous. (calvous, latin, means bald).

    Bald people no need to be anxious,

    No bad hair days ,no disastrous,

    No preening required so humanus ,

    No shedding in the fall gratus,

    No hairdressers , I love their cantos.

    No Nair needed just bald personatus,

    Don't poke fun, that could be your status.

    My time was kind of short sorry just made this up. Thanks for your post.


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