How much does it actually cost for any major ammo manufacturer to produce or manufacture one (1) box of?

12 gauge number 7-1/2 size bird shot used in shooting Trap & Skeet.? Whether or not its manufactured by either Winchester or Remington Brand 12 gauge number 7-1/2 size bird shot used for shooting trap or skeet.*


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basically pennies on the dollar. They make ammo in bulk by the millions with automated machinery these companies make a huge profit on ammo.


You might even be about to figure it out a couple different ways. If you looked at the company's revenue (particularly if they break it down by business area) and if they published the amount of ammo the produced. Or you could look at the cost of individual reloading components, factor the savings of buyin in huge bulk, but add the costs of facilities, employees, QA, human resources, insurance, etc.

I suspect that the profit margin is very small. It is a commodity market with huge volume and a fair amount of competition. The actual cost is probably just a little under what they sell it to a distributor or major buyer. Most retail stores probably make much more profit per box than the ammo companies.


All I can tell you is that a retailer will typically mark up an item 20-40% above what they paid for it from the manufacturer.

And depending on the product the manufacturer will generally make a 10-40% profit. That being said, sometimes the manufacturer doesnt make any profit on low end items to have shelf space for higher end items...........>


Did you actually try and ask those manufacturers...who would KNOW that exact info ?