I'm a 5'5 to 5'6 and I don't look bony. But yesterday when my friend realised my weight she said I'm bordering anorexic. I don't really diet either, I just eat what I like. So I guess I'd feel hungry if I was starving myself... Thoughts are appreciated.
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I don't think that's underweight if you say you aren't bony, besides it seems normal to me. But your friend needs to realize that anorexia is a mental disorder that makes someone purposely lose weight. So you aren't anorexic at all, you eat normally and aren't trying to lose weight.
I'm 5'5 and weigh 123 pounds so I think you're just around the right weight. Maybe gaining 5 pounds wouldn't be bad but you're not anywhere near anorexic. Just eat when you're hungry and whatever you feel is enough!