Is 115lbs underweight?

I'm a 5'5 to 5'6 and I don't look bony. But yesterday when my friend realised my weight she said I'm bordering anorexic. I don't really diet either, I just eat what I like. So I guess I'd feel hungry if I was starving myself... Thoughts are appreciated.


Favorite Answer

I don't think that's underweight if you say you aren't bony, besides it seems normal to me. But your friend needs to realize that anorexia is a mental disorder that makes someone purposely lose weight. So you aren't anorexic at all, you eat normally and aren't trying to lose weight.


I'm 5'5 and weigh 123 pounds so I think you're just around the right weight. Maybe gaining 5 pounds wouldn't be bad but you're not anywhere near anorexic. Just eat when you're hungry and whatever you feel is enough!


No you're not, your BMI is around 18.87, so you're in a healthy range, no worries!


I dont think your underweight


Wow sorry