Question about job jumping?
I had a total of 4 jobs in the past 2 years. I went from a job I hated to a job that promised me certain hours then only gave me 5 hours then to A job I loved but then became to fast paced and could not handle so I went to the job I am at now. The job I want has the hours I want. And people keep telling me that with my history of job jumping that they will not hire me as they want someone who is committed to a job. The job I have now is mostly nights and weekends. And I do not get to spend much time with my husband. Also I am very active in my church and do not want to give up bell choir as bell choir is really the only time we get to spend together. Plus the job I am at now is not giving me the benefits they promised me.
I take my job serious. I give up a lot of stuff for this job. But also they are not giving me the benefits they promised me.
Plus my one co worker says she cant work weekends because no one can watch her kid. And they do not give her a problem. If I want a weekend day off due to a church activity or family function. Its my job comes first. This lady is very lucky she still has her job. As many retail places would not tolerate someone who is not willing to work weekends.
Don S. Again I do take my job very serious. It may not seem like it to you but I do. They promised me benefits after one fiscal year of working there,and now all a sudden they wont give them to. And I still am there even though they are still not giving me the benefits they promised. If I was not serious about my job I would have walked right out and say I quit. Also when I got hired they were ok with the time i needed of for bell choir and my other church activities. I am sure you would be mad also if you got promised benefits and they did not give them to you.
It is only me they give a hard time to about needing to work certain hours not anyone else. The one cashier has off a whole weekend as she crys she cant find a baby sitter for her daughter they say nothing to her . The other cashier cries she cant work certain days because she has no ride they say nothing to her. Yet in your eyes I am not serious about my job because I need to work certain hours due to a church commitment th
that I enjoy with my husband. You work to live not live to work.
And for your information If I have to I will use my break time to go to bell choir practice. Then got back after to finish my shift I am allowed a break by law. I never ask for a whole day off due to my church obligations. There is nothing wrong with needing a few hours off to enjoy a hobby.