Youtube upload problems?

I've been uploading to youtube for a while now and I've never seen this.

All my videos after this one have been messed up on the first like 10 seconds I don't know what caused it because the video file on my computer is fine with no glitches in the visuals.

I've never changed any of my render settings or record setting so i can't understand why its doing that.


Favorite Answer

Hi, maybe there are some problems with your uploading tool. Which tool do you use for uploading?
Give a try to this uploading software:
This way you can compare whether the problem is the uploading process or with the video.


It's the new youtube crap, my dear friend! It stopped supporting many forms of the videos you upload. Now you need to change your rendering setting from whatever you're used to (avi, wmv, etc) to mp4 .. It seems like it's the only glitch-free, accepted form by youtube right now.
Good luck!