Atheists can you provide proof of evolution according to the scientific theory?

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2. Make A Hypothesis
3. Test The Hypothesis (Design & Conduct Experiments)
4. Collect Data
5. Analyze The Results
6. Draw Conclusions
7. Make Recommendations / Solutions.

now I know most of you are going to claim fossils, or something else. What I am honestly asking is can you please provide any species that I can test and observe today and not thousands or millions of years ago, based on blind faith. What species have evolved into another species today? Or are you guys just going on blind faith like the rest of the religious fanatics, you're so eager to mock. Yet your unable to show any animals that are evolving before our eyes and changing into another species. Like a fish changing into a bird. Not an animal adapting to their surrounding , but an animal that actually is evolved into another species. A birds beak that changes isn't evolution that's adaptation. Darwin said evolution is a species that evolves and changes it's kind (meaning it turns into another species of it's own kind). A fish that changes is still a fish. I'm wanting to test and observe an animal actually evolving according to the scientific method. Please provide this scientific evidence Thank you and God Bless


People Cmon I asked for you to provide one animal that's evolving before our eyes, so we can use the scientific method to test and observe it. It's just one animal all I need is a name, can you not provide it lol?


@ Micheal that would still be a chromosome, if the chromosome evolved into a cell or a bacteria, then I'd say that would be evidence all you provided was a chromosome adapting to it's surroundings


@ cape and carbon umm those are still flies hellp, I think you guys are smarter than that. Now if the fruit flies evolved into a bee or a wasp or an ant then hey you proved evolution, good try though thanks for playing lol


@ Hobgoblin I read your article and it proves my point further you guys go on blind faith. a redwood is still a redwood isn't it? did it evolve into a bush or did it stay within it's species? lol you guys are making this too easy lol


@ Johnny we could exist with dinosaurs, do you not know the bible talks about giants who killed giant beats with their hands? Also how would 2 people in 6000 years make 6 billion.... they have sex duh, look at mexicans and chinese they be doing it for reals. answered your ridiculous question now please provide an animal i can observe and test according to the scientific method.


@ weird yes we can provide evidence according to the scientific method it's called intelligent design. Can you make a rose? I think not or how about the seed that made that rose? how did it come from nothing? it didn't it was designed by an intelligent being, hello Sir Isaac Newton stated this fact now what else you atheists got lol this is too easy


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I agree, Atheist are puppets of the devil, They never listen.. #Lost souls


I really think all the discussions at an intelligent level have been had on this subject. If you are still hanging onto this idea of dinosaurs and humans being around at the same time, we have no basis for conversation, because you are in denial of all of the facts, and investigations that have been done by people far better educated and more open minded than yourself.

I don't see that belief in evolution is in any way incompatible with being religious. You can be religious and still accept the constantly changing facts of science. That's the bit I don't get, with you people. It seems like wilful ignorance to me.



Before the whale fossil lineage was filled out on ther late 90s/early 2000s, it was hypothesised that the "missing" fossils would show migration of the nostrils to the top of the head, and specialisation of the ossicles in the ear for hearing underwater.

That was exactly what the new fossils showed.

It was hypothesised that, if humans are in fact related to other apes, then there would be a trace of the "missing" ape chromosome in our genome. Mapping of the human genome identified the merged Ape Chromosome in Human Chromosome 2.

Don't believe everything you read on creationist websites, Sparky. Your statements about "a fish evolving into a bird" and "a birds beak that changes isn't evolution that's adaptation" suggest you have little to no real understanding of evolutionary science. I would suggest getting your scientific information from science sources rather than religious ones.

Every animal is "evolving before our eyes". If you disagree, please show us an example of an animal which isn't evolving, and point out its nonevolving features.

As for one "form" of organism changing into another, lets take another look at the whale lineage. It shows evolution from a small land mammal to the whales and dolphins we see today. That's quite a change in form right there. And before you bring out some inane argument about Pikacetus not being related to modern whales, genetic mapping has confirmed the lineage. Sorry.


Appendix. It become till now used to digest cellulose in flowers from back formerly tactics have been got here upon. Then, meat became a great component of the food plan and the appendix become now no longer necessary for survival. The vestigial appendix is as a result an occasion. a extra useful one is that human embryos nonetheless have tails and gills (nicely, no longer technically "gills" however the function is an identical) additionally, thumbs.


Sweetie do you realize that there is a very big difference between being an atheist and being a scientist?? I couldn't prove anything scientific hell I can't even re-tell scientific facts. I am not a science buff nor a scientist I am an atheist.
That being said just because I cannot tell you how it all began doesn't make "goddidit" a believable answer!! You need to go into the SCIENCE section...doesn't YA have one??? Ask a scientist or science student at least!

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