How do I make this more clear?
I really don't believe in a god. Honestly, completely, sincerely.
No, I don't secretly believe, deep down.
No, I'm not just pretending that there isn't one so I can continue in my sinful ways (I wouldn't have bothered developing a complete, detailed ethical system if that were the case).
No, I don't call upon him in my moments of need.
No, nobody abused me and made me distrustful of people.
No, I don't have problems with authority. If I did, I'd be in jail, or at least without gainful employment.
I spent my college years studying comparative religion and philosophy, continuing into the graduate level. Even after my formal schooling ended 11 years ago, I continued to studying the subjects. I've looked at more arguments than most people will ever be aware of. I have found all of them--yes, every single one--grossly lacking, to the point where the lowest undergrad could have picked it apart, so I do not believe that a god exists.
Yet I hear the opposite all the time. Is there any way to make this any more crystal clear, any way to explain that I don't believe in the exact same way that a person might not believe in leprechauns or unicorns? From believers, is this really so baffling? Do you really think that, in a world in which monotheism was not the norm for most of the world throughout most of recorded history, you might have people who just don't believe in a god? From nonbelievers, have you found any approach to get it through the heads of some particularly thick-skulled individuals that it really is possible to not believe in a god?
Really, I don't see how this is so confusing, but I'm apparently missing something.
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