Why do democrats want to live everyday like it's April 15th?

Instead of living everyday like it's the 4th of July, are you not proud to be an American?

Why don't you try getting a job and hire an accountant to watch your bank instead of trying wasting others peoples money on free birth control, food stamps and welfare.


No I don't, I do not believe in leeching off tax payers like democrats do. Walmart pays it's employees enough to live on their own, it's all about budgeting not sucking hard earned money out my pockets along with every hard working American tax payer to support lazy moochers bumming it everyday who protest at McDonlads because they don't pay higher than minimum wage. Why can't you people take responsibility for once and stop acting like a parasite clinging to the pockets of others.

Broken Record2013-08-15T12:03:20Z

Favorite Answer

Go ask them personally


Because the are not so smart. They want to gain control over the populace by making them dependent on the government for everything. Which will not work because as we well know Dems think that paying taxes are for the little people and do not pay taxes. Once the country has been taken over by illegal aliens and welfare dependent people there will not be the intelligence to support the infrastructure and more. Then the illegals and welfare dependent brainless will look to over take Canada.

Chewy Ivan 22013-08-15T11:57:04Z

You are really deluded if you think people can just find a job and afford an accountant. Most Americans can't even afford a basic living with what most jobs pay these days. People who try to work for a living, like Walmart employees, still need food stamps and welfare.

Try recognizing your own entitled, elitist mentalities for a change.


purely positioned, democrats have faith raising taxes solves each thing and being a slave to their very own government is truthfully perfect, jointly as a republican is conscious that freedom is the main severe ingredient especially else, and better taxes do no longer resolve themes, yet common sense spending does. Democrats take care of the U. S. funds like a newborn with a credit card that has no shrink. each physique is conscious how that could desire to end.


They don't. We just want to make things easier for the American people. Welfare is a program to help the disabled. Where is this fraud of which you speak? Oh wait, cons don't have any proof.

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