What is the current value of raw lead for processing into bullets for muzzle loaders, pistols, and revolvers?

* The price or amount to sell it for to someone who wants to buy it to reload for ammunition.*....How much $$$ per pound to charge for it?...

The Freak Show2013-08-19T06:00:49Z

Solid clean scrap lead is roughly $.75 per pound. It really depends on what you have. Wheel weights are about $.50 per pound. Properly alloyed casting lead sells at around $1.00 per pound or a little more.


Here is a site that sells bullet casting material, and already cast muzzle loading balls. Just a little more than a $1 for "Lyman #2 casting alloy."


At the price of balls, it would probably be cheaper to buy ready cast than cast your own.


For scrap/range lead I wouldn't pay more than .50 per pound simply because I don't know what it's been alloyed with. For known alloys I'd pay as high as a $1.50 per pound.


Commodity lead is about 93 cents per pound.


I just checked and the scrap price is 30¢ a pound here in Central Florida. :)