How can I make my trip easier?

I am taking a long trip (almost 15 hrs) and am thinking of ways to make it easier. I am ok with driving but not for a long time. I can drive for 6-7 hrs and be tired already. AM staying overnight for sure somewhere and taking as many breaks as needed.


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That smart thinking of stopping for the night after 6-7 hours and getting a nice rest. I always enjoy the fresh shower soon as I find a motel. Put your window down at times when driving if your feeling drowsy with the air still on. The outside air is more awaking and stop every 100 miles to use the rest room, get a snack etc at a gas station. I drove from here in Illinois to the tip of Texas which was 1,400 miles and know it takes a toll on a person and your not too alert if you drive too far without rest.
Have a nice trip!!

If an Amtrack goes the route your taking would be better then driving.