Is it normal not to have nausea at 4 weeks pregnant?

i will be 4 weeks tomorrow..i only have tiredness/lightheadedness /peeing /dull cramping on and off and tmi i kno but more this all normal for 4 wks i dont feel that pregnant.


Favorite Answer

With my 1st and 2nd, I had no symptoms at all apart from missed period. No symptoms afterwards either, except with my 1st, for a couple of weeks I had nausea when I could smell raw meat.
With my 3rd, I had every symptom magnified every single day from before I knew i was pregnant up to and including the day she was born.

Every pregnancy is different. Some symptoms don't kick in at 4 weeks, could be 6 or 8 weeks.
Keep your fingers crossed you continue with no symptoms as my 2nd pregnancy was no symptoms and was heaven.


My morning sickness didn't kick in until end of week 5 went strong from their on eased off around 11 weeks and %90 gone after 12 weeks. Still have some off days but other than feeling SOOOO much better then the horrid first trimester.

Mrs S2013-08-22T11:13:47Z

its more common to not have sickness at 4 weeks than it is to have it.

morning sickness is one of the most severe symptoms which is why out of all of them thats usually the one that takes the longest to appear if it even appers at all.

I'm not suprised you font feel pregnant at 4 weeks. you have no reason to lol give it a few months you will be feeling it then.


Very normal-you won't have that kick in until a bit later typically if at all. I'm 10 weeks 5 days today, & with this one I haven't really had it at all.