He forced me to be in a relationship with him after the 2nd date?

I went on 2 dates with this guy. And after the first one he asked me to be his gf and I said no its to soon and I barely know you. And on the 2nd date he got all sad and mad that I I wasn't going to be his girlfriend he needed to let me go because he says he's the jealous type and can't get over the thought of me going out and or hooking up/ flirting with other guys because I wasn't tied down so Im able I do those things. And that he couldn't take that pain. What should I do?


Favorite Answer

Any guy that makes you feel like your being forced to be with him is not worth it. He is using the guilt trip. Trying to make you feel bad for not wanting him to be with you. Sometimes you have to break peoples hearts. If you really don't like him you should break it off soon. If you don't break it of soon you will either be wasting your time with this guy or you will be forever unhappy with him.


Well it sounds to me he either really likes you or is playing you(hence moving that fast). If you don't like him that much just move on. I can smell problems with this guy.


Read your own question. Do you seriously want to be with this type of person honestly?


forget him he is a jack azz