Are CEOs 227 times smarter than their average worker?

"Pay for chief executives has risen to 277 times the average workers’ pay, from 20 times in 1965, according to the Economic Policy Institute."


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You're missing the point, they aren't required to be


You are missing the point.

If a CEO can raise the price of a company's stock he can create a lot more wealth for the shareholders. That may exceed the cost of his compensation.

It has nothing to do with the actual worth of the person.

Floyd Mayweather made 85 million last year from two fights. He managed to do that by making a lot more than that for other people.


Good CEOs who create jobs thru good business management are worth it. But I'm sure liberals will never be happy until everybody takes home the exact same paycheck.


Greed and ambition are good to a certain point, but lose control of it you eventually become corrupted.

Right On2013-08-29T02:38:41Z

No, but if I worked hard enough and was a good enough decision maker and leader, I'd like the job.

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