Ladies, whats its the best chatline that any senior gentman ever gave you ? and how you reacted to it ?

Ladies, whats its the best chatline that any senior gentman ever gave you ? and how did you reacted to it ?


Favorite Answer

Ten years ago, a senior gent emailed me with the line " do you remember me from 1966 ?"

My reaction was "Yes I sure do".

We got together a year later, and have been together ever since. Got married 5 years ago.

M P A2013-09-01T11:42:33Z

A bus ticket inspector asked to see my bus pass then said "I'm sorry that I had to ask to see it but I didn't think you looked old enough to have one." That made my day until I told someone else about it and was told that he says that to all the ladies. Oh well, it was nice whilst it lasted !!

He looked pretty close to retirement age himself which is why I answered your question about 'any senior gentleman'. I'd have fallen off my bus seat with laughter if a youngster had said that to me.


Use to have a Senior man come to our Law Firm, he was a client, he would ask for me every single time, like no one else could help him.

II would get up go to the front from my office, the first words out of his mouth every single time, was
Oh Honey, your sure look good today.

I finally one day, when he came in, and they came to get me, I took my long hair done out of my pony tail, and I bushed up hair all over the place, they were laughing at me.

I walked around the corner, he was like oh no, and Said, Oh Baby, you sure look like you had a rough night, I just creaked up, and then told him, I fixed it just for you.

The entire office loved it. He did as well.


An older gentleman walked in and ordered food from the KFC that I used to manage every single Wednesday. When he saw me (which he did every week) he always said very loudly "wow! Just wow! Wowzas honey" and then he would order his food. He kinda creeped me out, but it was flattering in a way I guess.

Marilyn T2013-08-31T23:27:33Z

I am married so I do not talk much to strange men other then when I had to in my job working with the public.
Of course I say hello or good day to people.
Once though about 5 years back I was walking from my car to a store. I was driving a burgundy colored Volvo , was wearing a burgundy colored shirt and I have red/brown hair color. An older man smiled at me in passing and said something to the effect of," Wow, you look great, everything matches."
I get embarrassed when strange men try to flirt with me, so I said something silly like, "Yes even my eyes are red" We were walking into a liquor store so I thought that would at least put him off from talking any further to me.
I really hate it when a strange man try to say something cute to me in public, sometimes my husband is with and that is extremely uncomfortable for me.
My husband is a very stoic eastern European and he would NEVER talk to a strange women or try to say something cute to impress
If I don't say something smart aleck then I usually laugh like a loon because it throws me to hear men say off the wall things to me.
One time when I was working as a casino games dealer, we sponsored the NFR rodeo.
The casino was filled with cowboys, every sort from groomers to real rodeo super stars.
I had a lively table full of young cowboys who were nice but full of themselves.( and full of Coors)
One young man took notice of my name tag that said I was from Hawaii.
We dealers must wear aprons over our clothing to protect them from ripping on the tables etc.
He saw my name tag, saw the apron and asked me to dance the Hula for him.
He had the cutest mid-western accent and was sweet but at least half my age.
I tried to act all grown up and polite telling him he shouldn't say those things to me as I had a son his age.
He cracked me up so hard I laughed for a good 3 rounds of dealing.
He said, "That's ok Darlin', we aint related."
That was about the funniest thing anyone ever said to me.

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