If I spent three years following a dude, and saw him perform all kinds of miracles and raise the dead and he was the best, most decent person I ever knew; and the authorities came to arrest him unjustly, I wouldn't have abandoned him.
WTF kind of chickenshit punks were the disciples, anyway?
Favorite Answer
Bad fiction will always be bad fiction. And the gospels are the worst. Watch the 'christians' come back with the idea that they all died for their beliefs. The problem is that only two deaths of the disciples are mentioned in the bible. All the others are people who wrote about the supposed events centuries later.
to Wu: The gospels WERE NOT written centuries after the events. in fact just the opposite: the gospels were eyewitness accounts ( which has more weight than other types of accounts of events) WITHIN 70 years of the actual events. This makes the gospels more reliable than many ancient writing such as the accounts of the life of Socrates and Plato, which most believe verbatum, which were written CENTURIES after their lives.
Jesus told them not to defend him, and they obeyed him. He also supposedly re-attached a severed ear. OK, sure. And to two of the above answers, Jesus was arrested by Jewish (Temple) soldiers, not Romans. (Why people don't actually read their Bible, I'll never know).