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Lv 5

Will Someone explain Revelation 21:8 for me? What is meant by cowardly? Verse posted in details section?

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The word used in Rev. 21:8 for "cowardly" is the transliterated Greek word: delios, meaning timid or fearful, and coming from the word "deos" meaning "dread". It is only used 3 times in the N.T. The other two are:

    Mt 8:26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

    Mark 4:40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?

    It seems to me that of the 3 uses, 2 clearly are used in connection with lack of faith in God. However, those 2 uses are also clearly used when speaking to believers, disciples in fact, so I don't think we can make the connection that lack of trust in God during dramatic circumstances in life equals being cast into hell, as the disciples (with the exception of Judas) obviously did not meet that fate.

    One thing to keep in mind is that the Greek text does not use punctuation like English does, so the punctuation added was added in translation, and can not be thought of as inspired as is the case with the orginal text. With that in mind, the NKJV translates that verse:

    "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers..."

    If you remove the coma after "fearful" you have "fearful and unbelieving". Other translations seem to lean this way, such as the Bible in Basic English:

    "But those who are full of fear and without faith, the unclean and takers of life..."

    I'm going to have to say that these people are unbelieving and therefore having no faith in God whatsoever, causing them to "cower in fear" due to their lack of control over circumstances and lack of faith in the God who does control thier circumstances.

    That's the best I can come up with. Hope it helps!

  • 4 years ago

    Explain Revelation 21

  • 7 years ago

    The cowardly are those who are bound for hell due to their own deserved sinful conduct as reflected in their heart. Those who are not Christians are those who are cowardly in that they fear God's judgment. Cowardly does not define the Christian. The Christian may act cowardly in the face of danger, but the cowardly that this verse 21:8 speaks is of the people who fear God's judgment due to sin, for they know that they deserve God's judgment and they are cowards to face God. No Christian is cowardly toward God; for we are at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: see Romans. All through Scripture the "cowardly" of this type are those who run away from the judgment of God over sin. And the long list of descriptions that follow define the unbeliever, those not in Christ, and "cowardly" is listed first due to the fact that "cowardly" is to give the general condition of the sinner due to the fact they are seeped into sin by nature and in acts: murderers, adulterers, liars and so forth. This verse is NOT to be a description toward a Christian: it has everything to do with who ends in the lake of fire: no one outside of Christ is spared. THIS is a cowardice to face God in his wrath over sin. And lest the Christian think his sin is forgiven so he can sin in practice, he or she needs to think this over: for such a Christian will find him or herself facing the same judgment, and when he or she does, he or she will also cower on judgment day: a warning, no matter what you have heard to the contrary. God does not play favorites. Romans 2:9..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I believe that the last time that I looked the Greek word up it was accurate to translate that word as cowardly. (I am without my usual references right now.)

    Cowards, if I get this right, are those that fear and act upon their doubts . . . something that we all do or have done at times. Peter was being a coward when he denied the Lord three times in the Gospels, for instance.

    And in context with this verse, you can add 'coward' to the long list of things that we may be judged upon IF, I repreat IF we are NOT covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are ALL guilty before Him, our own righteousness meaning NOTHING, without the atonement provided by Jesus Christ.

    It is only thought Him that we escape the wrath of God. Glory to Him, glory to God. And thanks to Him for His mercy, Grace, and sacrifice.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The cowardly are Christians who do not remain faithful under difficulties and persecution. Those who forsake Christ are listed with those who commit the most abominable sins. Idolaters worship the beast and liars spread his deception.

  • Gifted
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    KJV say the fearful, maybe it is those who are too fearful to take God at his Word and Believe him and walk in his ways and keep his commandments.

    To stand up and be counted

    Not to be ashamed of the Gospel of The Kingdom

    Or those who are so fearful they can't make up their own minds

    Could mean a lot of things

    Look up fearful

    God is good and his mercy is extended to all

  • 4 years ago

    As somebody that has lived with the aid of those form of events on the choice side of the international it form of feels that in spite of human beings do all law enforcement officers are going to have their expenditures overturned from Rodney King with the aid of to Amandou Diallo and now to Sean Bell. It would not look to remember in spite of if we would rebellion or petition or carry marches or in spite of. i glance at it extra from a Political perspective as my Brother is very energetic in Human Rights & Environmental Activism yet what do you pay attention out the mouths of maximum individuals our a protracted time. those Tree Hugging Hippies and Left Wing Loonies becoming havoc. maximum fools have self belief what Politicians tell them and what they study interior the papers and individuals who're prosperous build their finished lives around exploiting others. except you additionally could make human beings supply up their time and take damaging aspects like dropping their properties, jobs and so directly to combat the combat for Freedom and Equality it extremely is only gonna worsen. CCTV, Patriot Acts, Globalisation and conflict on Terror are only area of the initiating of suppression of loose Speech. I even see followers in this section hating on artists like Immortal technique because of the fact they call them crackpot conspiracy theorists yet countless what they are saying is real and we are too scared to admit maximum individuals are pawns to the sport.

  • kalusz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The cowards are the ones whose conviction is so weak that they deny Christ in time of trial and become traitors.The second death refers to the eternal death,when sinners receive their final punishment.

    Source(s): The New American Bible footnotes.
  • 1 decade ago

    cowardly meaning the people too cowardly to do something about it - like the good samaritan type of thing. like when Jesus was betrayed by Judas, he was cowardly, and when Peter disavowed his knowing Jesus, he was being cowardly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cowardly are like Republicans who support the Iraq war but refuse to enlist.

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