When is the best and safest time to pick up recyclable items in public places?

I am a 20 year old female that wants to start picking up bottles/cans to save up money for a concert. I am curious if anyone has any personal experience with this and helpful tips such as materials to take, best and safest times to go, good public locations etc.

BTW I'm a paranoid person so I am considering on buying a pepper spray and driving around to locations, any suggestions with this as well would be great!


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Parks at mid-day would be the safest place and time to do it. In my County, undesirable people visit our parks very early in the morning or after dark, stay away from these times and I think you will be fine. Aluminum, Plastic, and Glass are givens, however, if you have any family or relatives with scrape iron or copper you can make a bundle quick. By the way, if you have any junk cars, junk yards sometimes buy junk cars for "Pick'n'Pull" lots. You should also take a look at the wanted ads to see if there are any one time jobs available for quick cash, like surveys and polls.


If you can't do it without drivign from location to location (unless able to work *one* *large* location) don't bother. The money you would spend on the petrol and additional wear & tear on the car would not make the venture very profitable for you.

Safest? Maximum lighting in a public location.


If you are concerned with safety go in broad daylight, there is nothing illegal about this as far as I know. Earlier in the day will insure you get there before garbage trucks.


Where i live romanian gypsies pick up bottles, so they woul kill u for that