US: is the "illegal immigration" issue actually a "Mexican refugee" problem?


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Most illegals here in the US are from Mexico, but they are not refugees because they are not being persecuted by their government, they are here looking for a handout, having their babies born here so that they will be eligible for welfare. They are not refugees, they are law breakers and criminals. They should not be accepted and should be sent back where they came from.

The Oracle of Omigod2013-09-09T02:24:31Z

The US government realized fifty years ago that Mexico needed an emergency valve to let off the pressure of their economic system, and if we did not provide that means to siphon off some of the discontent in the country there would be a bloody revolution and there would probably be about ten million Mexicans parked in a refugee camp in California or Arizona.


Well, that's a good way of looking at it...because people are not just coming TO the US, they're running FROM something else... In order to really solve the problem of illegal immigration, we need to look at not just what's happening on our side of the border, but what's going on in Mexico.

Although not all illegal immigrants are from Mexico, many are, and of them they're fleeing primarily two things a) poor economic conditions in Mexico and desparate poverty and b) the violence of an out-of-control drug war.

Obviously it's not up to the US to solve Mexico's problems, they need to do it on their own. But if we can provide assistance to help the Mexican government address corruption, the drug war, and poverty in Mexico it would help us as well.


They aren't refugee's. They all have safe and secure places in their own country they can go to. The unemployment in Mexico is lower then the US. They aren't escaping from anything. This can be proven on how many come to work and send money back home and even go back home to visit usually on a yearly basis. Its not hard to come back as many liberals and illegals claim.


Not to put too fine a point on it, yes.

It's not like Canadians are sneaking across the Detroit River under the cover of darkness. Mexico is a craphole.

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