If I have a Lifetime Hunting/Fishing License...?

Can I sell the furs that I got from trapping, without need for any other licenses, since the Lifetime includes a trapping and fur license? I'm 16 and live in Oklahoma


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In general - a trapping license is all you need to trap, seal, and sell your raw furs.

You should be able to surf to the official Oklahoma state web site and download the hunting and trapping regulations - and read them cover to cover. Because some animals are considered 'fur animals' and some are considered 'fur bearers'. When you shoot a fox under your hunting license during a hunting season - this you cannot sell. When you trap of fox during the trapping season, this you can sell. When both hunting and trapping seasons are open - usually you have a choice - but not with all species......... a good example are beaver. In my state you cant shoot them - because they sink....... but shooting is allowed under a trapping license.

It's well worth your time to download these regulations and read them, read them carefully, and use a highlighter to make important things stand out. I say this because there is no shortage of game wardens who do not like trapping... and will drag you into court for the least bit of infraction. I got dragged into court once becuase they found a dead bird near one of my trap sites and tried to get me for the 'taking of illegal species'. The District Attorney tossed the case out - but it was still a nasty inconvience.


Sell to whom? Most furs today are farm raised. So the market for trapped pelts is nearly gone today. As for the rest of your question? You need to check the regs. You may need a business license if forming a commercial operation.


Probably, but you should check with the Oklahoma DNR. All it takes is a phone call.


YES! You took the pelts legally you can sell them.