7+4wks pregnant with period like cramping...?
this is my 2nd pregnancy and i already feel like i am getting round ligament pain...and i also get period like cramping every morning for about 15 minutes and then its gone...the only spotting i have had was implantation spotting and i have had an ultrasound and everything was fine :) i just want to know if its normal to have cramping the same time everyday...i also have been constipated(tmi i kno sorry) so maybe that has something to do with it...but the pain is along my bikini line both sides and sometimes it radiates into my thigh....the cramping is just like period cramps but i only get them in the morning for a lil bit...then they go away....i have terrible all day sickness so its hard for me to stay hydrated...could that cause cramping as well as everything is growing and stretching....i can barely remember my pregnancy with my son even though he will be a year oct 11th...lol mommy/pregnancy brain....any advice would be nice :)