What's a good non toxic shot for rabbit and pheasant hunting?
12 gauge 2 3/4 thanks for the help
Also I'd like to know what size shot, @welcome to America I don't want to but ill be on public land where it's required lol
12 gauge 2 3/4 thanks for the help
Also I'd like to know what size shot, @welcome to America I don't want to but ill be on public land where it's required lol
Favorite Answer
tungsten alloy shot use #5 for pheasant, # 5-6 for rabbit. tungsten alloy shot is easier on your gun than steel and penetrates better. If you are going to use steel it is lighter, go up down a #4
Bismuth, Tungsten or steel shot if you have the money to waste.
Bismuth, Tungsten, or steel isn't for people who waste money.
Lead is clearly for people who want to risk wasting their health.
Prior decline and fall of Rome was hurried along by the Roman
use of lead as drinking cups. Some of that still rubs off today.
Of course, if people invested heavily in lead, that has cost too.
Folks might have the financial incentive to not bad-mouth lead.
Higgy Baby
Non toxic?