How to get with a girl?
Hi shes 12 im 14 she's so hot and i really like her but im shy when it comes to asking them out. any help?
Hi shes 12 im 14 she's so hot and i really like her but im shy when it comes to asking them out. any help?
Favorite Answer
Get with as in.... asking her out?
Just be sweet to her. Call her pretty. Ask her to go get ice cream with you
I hope you mean date on not sex first of all but I think that 12 years old is not the right time to date, but you might want to try being her friend for a while see what she like and dislikes and then maybe ask her out, you can add her on Facebook if you both have it (tho I think that this to young to be on FB as I didn't get one until I was 16 but that's just me) also if you do go with your feeling and ask her out now then just be yourself and ask her what she if she would like to hang out and go to the movies or for some food, but just remember to be yourself that is all that matters,
Wait a few years and it will come to you naturally.
You're both too young.
I can't possibly begin to fathom how the word 'hot' could apply to a 12 year old child.
You could just text or Facebook her to get started if you have a phone, they work your way to talking to her in person, then ask her out. Personally I think 12 is too young to date though.
Ask her for her number then text her and ask her to go to the movies or something.