Been married 20 yrs, split up 18 x's,Do these signs have an influence on his unstable behavior?
Husband says he wants to be married, but we have split up 18 x's in 20 yrs of marriage, mostly because -he would smoke pot,go out drinking with his buddies,(he plays in a band,2 x/month),call me filthy names, exa.-f---ing c--t,destroy furniture. He did stop smoking pot 2yrs. ago after much praying by me. Sometimes he says he wants to be married, then he says he doesn't know. I have kicked him out most of the 18 x's. I believe he has been faithful, he has stayed at his friends when we've separated. Question-(He is better since he stopped pot, but still terrible temper. ) Question-Does his -Mars in Gemini, Venus in Taurus, Moon in Pisces,have anything to do with his unstableness? ( I've been trying to teach.understand Astrology) His birthdate 4-25-57...oh yeas he's 56yrs old! Time to grow up.. I'm a Christian & believe in marriage unless there is proof of adultery. Thanks for answering!!!!!!!