Given that the majority of Americans are AGAINST defunding Obamacare...?

...why are Republicans trying to shut down the government?

From the CNBC Poll by the same company that does polls for the Wall Street Journal:

"The CNBC All-America Economic Survey of 800 people across the country conducted by Hart-McInturff, finds that, in general, Americans oppose defunding Obamacare by a plurality of 44 percent to 38 percent.

"Opposition to defunding increases sharply when the issue of shutting down the government and defaulting is included. In that case, Americans oppose defunding 59 percent to 19 percent, with 18 percent of respondents unsure. The final 4 percent is a group of people who want to defund Obamacare, but become unsure when asked if they still hold that view if it means shutting down the government. …

"In general, men are roughly split on the issue, with 43 percent supporting defunding, 42 percent opposing and 15 percent unsure. But when the issue of a government shutdown and default is included their support declines: 56 percent oppose defunding and only 14 percent solidly favor the measure.

"Women are more firmly opposed to defunding the new health care law under any circumstances, with 47 percent opposed, 33 percent in favor and 20 percent unsure."


Favorite Answer

Wrong poll, most are 63% for.


The entire point of the exercise is to make Barack a 'one term president' in his second term. This has zero to do with HEALTH INSURANCE reform... the entire concept of employer based and funded HEALTH INSURANCE is a mid 20th century idea that came to exist because of WW2 price and wage controls. Until the 1970's HEALTH INSURANCE was cheap because the HEALTH CARE industry could do so little. Employers could afford it. Now they claim they can't. The entire world of CARE and INSURANCE has changed. To the movers and shakers of the current GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus party Barack is a 'socialist' who wants to 'change things'...they refuse to admit that everything is already changed and everything is always going to cost more. A better idea would be to institute MEDICARE for ALL and eliminate employer based insurance, but that also would be 'socialism'... not to mention that the HEALTH INSURANCE mafia's cash cow would be on a major diet. We need change, not a government shutdown so the Party of No can attempt to 'blame' Barack Obama.


Because if the Teabaggers don't defund Obamacare, the Koch Brothers will defund them.

They already failed to make Obama a one termer.

Defunding Obamacare is their last chance to be of value.


Because a lot of the Republicans are acting like stubborn spoiled children who absolutely have to have their way. They seem to not care who gets hurt or if the economy tanks as long as they get their way, they snub their nose and to heck with the rest of the country.

Dr Yes level 9 since 19992013-09-29T23:33:55Z

Their azzes are on the line here. When Obamacare gets going, and everybody likes it, the GOP will really look bad. If they can just hold it off till the 2014 election they will benefit.

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