Why do Republicans think that Congress is exempt from "Obamacare"?

The requirement is that people have to buy insurance.

Under the Affordable Care Act, members of Congress ARE REQUIRED to get insurance.

How is that "exempt"?


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Because, about a month ago the congress complained about the high cost and got a sweet deal where 75% of their cost will be reimbursed AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE!!!! If you had been followinmg this story as if you cared. Rather than waiting for the first opportunity to feign outrage and cast blame.


You don't seem to understand the law or some other factors surrounding it.

First of all, Congress isn't required to "get insurance," they are thrown out of their existing plan and REQUIRED to participate in Obamacare.

Then, they've been receiving subsidies since 2012 to offset all the extra costs they'll incur by participating in Obamacare. There is no law or rule permitting these payments to be made; they simply "are."


They are not exempt. They just don't need it because they get the best. Meanwhile they are forcing it down our throats. However most liberals will make up their own story because the do not understand what the words class or concepts are for.

Dr Yes level 9 since 19992013-10-02T02:31:15Z

They are simply offered a much better tax payer subsidised policy. Not exempt.


It is just another of the myriad of lies Republicans use to oppose this law - obviously they know the truth is not on their side.