9wks4d pregnant bought a fetal doppler :D?

i bought a doppler yesterday and i heard my wittle beans HB it was 168-175BPM....it was the most amazing sound i have heard in a while...i have had on and off spotting so its nice to be able to hear my Baby's HB as i need to.....i really reccommend to anyone whos had any issues during pregnancy to get one..it really gives u a piece of mind....i dont have a question, i am just so excited that i found his or her HB and its nice and strong :) Congrats to all the newly pregnant april&may mamas!!

**Due May 4th 2014 with baby #2**


Favorite Answer

I love my doppler too! I'm 28 weeks and sometimes my little girl isn't as energetic as other days so I like to have it for reassurance. Be careful using it that early on though, it can sometimes be difficult to find that early! Some doctors even warn against home dopplers and they say it causes more worry than good but mine has been the opposite. Good luck and congrats!